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在科学技术飞速发展的当今世界,社会生活的方方面面都无不渗透着科学技术及其信息的作用。发达国家的经济发展多是靠科学技术实现的,科学技术已成为影响各国经济发展的主要因素。科技档案是科学技术活动的结晶和产物,是科技信息宝库和交流工具。然而,如何利用这座宝库和工具,把科技档案所载录的科技信息和科技成果及时有效地推向市场,更好的为市场经济和社会发展服务,这是一个很值得研究的课题。笔者认为,建立科技档案信息技术市场是重要举措之一。因此,有必要对我国科技档案信息技术市场的含义、要素及功能进行研究。 In today’s world where science and technology are rapidly developing, all aspects of social life permeate the role of science and technology and its information. The economic development in developed countries is mostly achieved through science and technology, and science and technology have become the major factors that affect the economic development of all countries. Science and technology files are the crystallization of science and technology activities and products, is a treasure trove of scientific and technological information and communication tools. However, how to use this treasure trove and tools to bring the scientific and technological information and scientific and technological achievements recorded in scientific and technological archives to the market promptly and effectively so as to better serve the market economy and social development is a topic worthy of study. The author believes that the establishment of science and technology file information technology market is one of the important measures. Therefore, it is necessary to study the meaning, elements and functions of China’s science and technology file information technology market.
本文是吴宝康教授于今年6月10日给湘潭大学84级档案班学员的讲话节录。由张锡田同志根据录音整理,未经本人审阅。 This article is an excerpt from a speech delivered by
今后我国国民经济和社会发展重点应该突出“三农”问题和改善民生的问题,民生的问题应该重点放在农村。第一,扩大内需,要重在增加广大农民的收入,缩小城乡 In future, the f
Since the reform and opening up,China has undergone a rapid economic development;by the end of 2010,China has overtaken Japan to become the world’s second larg