
来源 :工程抗震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shpeipei
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1991年1月15日,四川省大邑县发生了4.9级地震。经调查表明,震中7度区各类建筑震害特点如下:(1)单层砖木结构房屋。纵横墙交叉处拉裂,礼堂砖墙顶外倾,教室屋架纵向斜撑拉断,小青瓦滑落。(2)单层砖混结构房屋。纵、横墙产生水平裂缝、斜裂缝。(3)二至三层砖砌体房屋。这类建筑的破坏率较高,承重、非承重结构都有破坏,需加固修理。(4)工业厂房。按7度设防的建筑基本完好,局部有非损坏性裂缝。(5)构筑物。砖烟囱等基本完好,个别筒仓局部有裂缝。 On January 15, 1991, a magnitude 4.9 earthquake occurred in Dayi County, Sichuan Province. According to the investigation, the characteristics of earthquake damage in various types of buildings in the 7th-degree zone of the epicentre are as follows: (1) Single-storey brick-and-wood structure houses. The cross walls of the vertical and horizontal walls were cracked, the top of the auditorium brick wall was tilted, the classroom roof frame pulled diagonally and the Xiaoqingwa slipped down. (2) Single-storey brick-concrete structure houses. Vertical and horizontal walls produce horizontal cracks and oblique cracks. (3) Two to three-story brick masonry houses. The destruction rate of this type of building is high, and the load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures are damaged and need to be repaired. (4) Industrial plants. The 7-degree building is basically intact, and there are non-damage cracks in the area. (5) Structures. Brick chimneys, etc. are basically intact, and individual silos have partial cracks.
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随着全世界对资源、能源及环境污染问题的日益重视,对建筑涂料的生产、应用、施工等方面的要求越来越高,为了在建筑涂料领域内加强学术交流 With the increasing emphasis o
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天地交合而生万物,万物演化而有人类。人为生存而有劳作。劳作分化而有企业。 1 凡事预则立,不预则废。此乃人类 别于它物之一大特点。企业管理始于计划,计划有短中长之分。