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  You know where you are with a British street name. I don’t mean literally. I mean there’s a tacit humility to our islands’ street names: They are short, simple and unpretentious.2
  Our street names are soundest away from the city.3 The High Street is thriving: It’s the commonest name in England and Wales, while Main Street leads the field in Scotland.4 Great Britain has some 3600 of the two. A “street” used to refer to a properly paved road, a practice imported by the Romans for their great connecting roads.5 Medieval journeymen stared in wonder at such “stone streets,” which flaunted a longforgotten technology.6
  By the time of Henry I, streets were a protected brand: They should be wide enough for two carriages, or 16 knights on horseback.7 Roads were late coming: Shakespeare was the first to use the word. It’s a happy fact that the City of London is so ancient as to have no “Roads.” These age-old differences are fossilised8 in our language: there are 600 “The Streets,” but there is no “The Road.”
  Given the antiquity of the parish church, it’s understandable that there are more Church Lanes than Church Streets or Roads, which number 5500 together.9 But second most common are the 2000 Station Roads, almost all of which appeared in the latter half of the 19th century. Add Mill and School to these dominant names, and you have some 14,000 streets—but still not even 2 per cent of the nation’s named roads.

  Street-naming was for centuries the result of informal village vernacular; in urban communities, pragmatism pointed out civic features, business quarters and fartherflung directions.10 Take York, for instance. That rickety medieval street, The Shambles, actually reflects the“fleshammels,” the meat shelves; the quaint Blossom Street is a banalisation of Ploughswain Street.11 As for the bizarre12 Whipmawhopmagate, one of the nation’s shortest streets, it seems to mean “Neither-one-thing-nor-the-other-street.”Nineteenth-century urbanisation increasingly commemorated aristocratic landowners, parliamentarians worth their salt, and battles in which locals fell.13 Still, few individuals are widely recognised across the country’s streets: Victoria is much in the lead, followed by Albert, Alexandra and Edward. More pointedly timeless are the myriad King and Queen Streets.14   New roads in the 20th century preferred to honour developers. But in the 21st century we are beset with councils and their wideeyed mission statements: Leyland boasts a Sustainability Way, Norwich a Friendship Road, Warrington a Sunset Boulevard.15 For no-nonsense Scots, Loanhead’s Costkea Way frames for all time the shopping prospects of Costco and Ikea.16 Modern developments are mere guesswork.17 The Cherries and The Normans (Slough) sound like forgotten barbershop ensembles of the late 1960s; Mango Place and Coconut Grove (Salford) are just unsuitable.18
  The history preserved by street names is substantial19 and worthy of pride; it is sufficient to say that the commonest street name in America is “2nd.” But some questions remain unanswered: Why are there so many more West Streets than East?
  1. unpretentious: 不矫揉造作的,谦逊的。
  2. 我想说的是,我们国家的街道名都有一种低调的谦逊,具备三个特点:短小、简单、不做作。tacit:默认的,不言而喻的;humility: 谦逊。
  3. 我們的街道名和城市几乎毫无关系。 sound: 充分的,彻底的。
  4. 叫“高街”的街道有很多:它在英格兰和威尔士最为常见,而在苏格兰,街道用得最多的名字是“主街”。
  6. in wonder: 惊讶地,惊奇地;flaunt: 夸示,炫耀。
  7. carriage: 马车;knight: 骑士。
  8. fossilise: 使……成化石,此处指永久留存。
  9. 考虑到牧区教堂悠久的历史,我们便能很快理解为什么“教堂小巷”的数量要远远多于“教堂街”和“教堂路”了,总共有5500个。antiquity: 久远的年代,古物;parish church: 牧区教堂。
  10. 几个世纪以来,给街道命名都深受非正式的乡村方言的影响;实用主义理论则揭示了城市街道命名的三大特点:市民性、商业区的出现和广泛的方向性。vernacular: 本地话,方言;pragmatism:实用主义;farther-flung: 广泛的。
  11. 破破烂烂的中世纪街道——谢姆伯街,事实上指的是“肉铺街”;而古老的“花街”实则是“把犁人街”的一种庸俗化说法。rickety: 摇摇晃晃的,快散架的;fleshammel: 中世纪的肉类市场; banalisation: 庸俗化;ploughswain:把犁人。
  12. bizarre: 古怪的。
  13. 19世纪,随着城市化的发展,道路名逐渐开始用于纪念贵族地主、值得尊敬的国会议员以及本国失败的战役。urbanisation: 城市化;commemorate: 纪念;aristocratic: 贵族的;parliamentarian:国会议员;worth sb’s salt: 名副其实的,值得尊敬的。
  14. pointedly: 明显地,强调地;timeless: 经久不衰,不受时间影响的;myriad: 极大数量的。
  15. 然而,到了21世纪,道路名称则充斥着委员会和他们雄心勃勃的宣告:莱兰建设了一条“可持续大道”,诺里奇建设了一条“友谊大道”,而沃灵顿则建了一条“日落大道”。be beset with: 充满;Leyland: 莱兰,英国地名;Norwich: 诺里奇,英格兰最古老的城镇之一;Warrington:沃灵顿,英国地名;boulevard: 大道,林荫大道。
  16. 对于一本正经的苏格兰人来说,伦黑德的科斯特基亚街一直以来都是仓储量贩店“好市多”和家具城“宜家”的经营前景和方向。nononsense: 正经的;Loanhead: 伦黑德,英国地名;prospect: 前景;Costco: 好市多,美国最大的连锁会员制仓储量贩店;Ikea: 宜家,瑞典的全球知名的家具和家居零售商。
  17. mere: 仅仅的;guesswork: 猜想,猜测。
  18. 斯劳的“樱桃路”和“诺曼人路”听起来像20世纪60年代晚期已被遗忘的理发店名字的集合;而索尔福德的“芒果地路”和“椰子林路”则显然完全不适合当街道名使用。Slough: 斯劳,英国地名;barbershop: 理发店;ensemble: 集合,整体;coconut grove:椰子林;Salford: 索尔福德,英国地名。
  19. substantial: 可观的,数目巨大的。
16世紀的法国作家蒙田说,治愈孤独有三种可能的方法:恋爱、交友和阅读。但他进一步阐释:性爱上的欢愉转瞬即逝,而背叛稀松平常;友情更佳,却会随着其中一方的死亡戛然而止。因此,唯一能伴随终生的疗法就是与文学为伴。原以为阅读只是逃离自我的一种方式,但其实我们是在探索自己内心深处的世界。  The understanding that literature can comfort, console and
It’s very you.  它很适合你。  你去服裝店买衣服,挑了一件很符合自己气质的衣服,朋友看到就会说:“It’s very you.”意思是“这件衣服很适合你。”  It’s too loud.  颜色太鲜艳了。  这一句的意思可以是“声音太大了。”但也可以用来形容衣服颜色过火。当你看到朋友穿了一件大红色的衣服时,你可以说:“It’s too loud.”意思是“衣服颜色太鲜艳了。”  
Many times I’ve become lost  and snapped out of it1 next to a rose bush  and bins in someone’s front garden  or by a four-way crossing, car horns2  and my mouth is full of boring questions.  Many time
学习翻译或者热爱翻译的人,一定听说过不少有关译员的比喻,像“传声筒”、“桥梁”、“灯塔”、“镜子”这些,都是经常用来指代译员的形象比喻。但有一些比喻,一般读者不是很熟悉,但却非常精辟。因此想拿出来启发读者的思考。  车轮  以色列著名作家奥兹在一次演讲中指出,翻译的出现恰如车轮的发明那样重要。他用“车轮”比喻翻译的重要性,是因为车轮的发明使得人们的身体得以更加快速地自由移动,而翻译的出现则使得人们
1914年,英国探险家沙克尔顿(Ernest Shackleton)计划徒步穿越南极大陆。对于40岁的他来说,这可能是人生中的最后一次探险。  谈起南极探险,有三个名字肯定会被提及,有人总结道:“要论科学有致的领队艺术,当属斯科特(Robert Scott);要论快速高效的行进安排,非阿蒙森(Roald Amundsen)莫属;但要论绝处逢生,于看似无望的困境中逃脱,那就只有真心地祈求沙克尔顿。”
“One man’s trash may be another’s treasure.”  The old woman stops by our apartment buildings routinely rummaging through the three large plastic refuse bins.1 She is old and frail2 looking from a dist
If you’ve lived and breathed and owned a phone in the 21st century, chances are high that you’ve participated in what I like to call cancel-reschedule ping-pong: You make plans but somebody has to bai
一本書的文笔与思想固然重要,但一个能起到点睛之笔的书名不仅能恰当地概括全书的内容,还能激发读者的阅读兴趣,提升艺术和商业的双重价值。简短的几个词语,或许就能让读者在目光所及的瞬间体会到一部小说的精髓,这背后的心理学内涵是什么呢?成功的书名究竟拥有哪些必备要素?  What’s in a name? It’s a more complicated question than you might th
1. 《王冠》的成功  《王冠》(The Crown)是一部关于当代英国女王伊丽莎白二世生平的传记剧情(biographical drama)电视连续剧。该剧由彼得·摩根(Peter Morgan)编剧兼导演,由左岸影业公司(Left Bank Pictures)和索尼影视公司(Sony Pictures Television)为奈飞公司(Netflix)制作,第一季和第二季分别于2016年11月