State of the Market

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honglou123
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  From January to June, the total vol-ume of profits made by all state-ownedenterprises as well as non-state enterpris-es with annual sales revenue of morethan 5 million yuan (enterprises abovedesignated size) stood at 810.7 billionyuan, expanding 28 percent comparedwith the same period last year, accordingto the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) (see graph 1).
Beijing is feeling mounting pressurefrom China’s runaway economy,which grew 10.9 percent in the firsthalf of this year. On July 21 and26, the Central Governmentsummoned two high-level meetings tochart
The United Nations has 21 agencies in Beijing, involved inalmost all aspects of cooperation, from economic reform tohuman rights issues.
It has been more than half a century sincethe friendship between New China andAfrican countries was forged. In the pastdecades, the peoples and governmentsof China and Africa have supportedeach other
The dispatch of medical corps toMauritania by the ChincscGovernment was initiated in April1968, with Heilongjiang Provincein northeast China assigned the task.Over the past 38 years, more than 1,000me
With the long history between China and Africa politically,culturally and in the area of trade, Chinese business people areturning to the continent in ever increasing numbers to findopportunity in wha
Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, it hasbecome more open to the outsideworld, facilitating foreign invest-ments in more industrial sectors. InApril 2002, the Catalogue for the G
At the second preparatory meeting for the 10th China InternationalFair for Investment and Trade, China's only annual event focusingonpromoting worldwide investment, Zhao Chuang, Deputy Director ofthe
Eritrea is located on the coast of theRed Sca in East Africa. After declar-ing independence in 1991, its gov-ernment is striving hard to restore thecountry’s economy. Dozens ofinternationally recogniz
Just days after returning from the International AIDS Conference in Toronto, Wu Zunyou, Director of the National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention, sat down with Beijing Review reporter Yan W
Fund secrets may be in jeopardy aftergovernment intervention,but this couldstill be the best time to invest