Numerical simulation of transport phenomena in continuous casting of steel plates with electromagnet

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longfei256
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The present work numerically investigates two-dimensional (2-D) solidification transport phenomena (EM-STP) during continuous casting (CC) process in the absence and the presence of static magnetic fields (SMFs), based on a unified numerical model. For the purpose of controlling vortexes, the electromagnetic brake (EMBR) effects of various SMFs under the given depth of submerged entry nozzle (SEN) and the same casting velocity V0 are investigated. ANSYS software is used to analyze the SMFs that applied to the EMCC process, and then a data-conversion program based on the principle of linear interpolation proposed previously is used to deal with the issue of data-format-matching between FEM and FVM. The simulation results indicate that, an appropriate SMF can effectively suppress the bulk liquid flow in CC-process of steel plate, and with increase of the intensity of applied magnetic fields, the vortexes become weaker and the oscillating amplitude of impinging jet decreases. Based on the knowledge gained from the EMCC-STP analysis and by comparing the results with the applied magnetic fields with those without magnetic fields, it is found that a SMF with |Bmax|=55×10-3 T can meet the need of braking, and consequently improve the quality of casting by reducing the penetration of non-metallic inclusions, as well as avoiding breakout, macro-segregation and crack ultimately. The present work numerically investigates two-dimensional (2-D) solidification transport phenomena (EM-STP) during continuous casting (CC) process in the absence and the presence of static magnetic fields (SMFs), based on a unified numerical model. For the purpose of controlling vortexes, the electromagnetic brake (EMBR) effects of various SMFs under the given depth of submerged entry nozzle (SEN) and the same casting velocity V0 are investigated. ANSYS software is used to analyze the SMFs that applied to the EMCC process , and then a data-conversion program based on the principle of linear interpolation proposed previously is used to deal with the issue of data-format-matching between FEM and FVM. The simulation results indicate that that an appropriate SMF can effectively suppress the bulk liquid flow in CC-process of steel plate, and with increase of the intensity of applied magnetic fields, the vortexes become weaker and the oscillating amplitude of impinging jet decreases. Based on the the knowledge gained from the EMCC-STP analysis and by comparing the results with the applied magnetic fields with those without magnetic fields, it is found that a SMF with | Bmax | = 5 × 10-3 T can meet the need of braking, and improved improve the quality of casting by reducing the penetration of non-metallic inclusions, as well as avoiding breakout, macro-segregation and crack ultimately.
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