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1984年以来,我院在试行“院长负责制”、“职工聘用制”和“科室核算、质量考核、奖金浮动制”的基础上,初步建立了一套具有本院特点的《石台县人民医院管理条倒》。同时发挥了院党支部的政治核心作用和工会、共青团的积极作用,自始至终寓思想政治工作于医院改革之中。用党的路线统一全院职工的思想认识,有效地调动了广大医务人员的积极性,扩大了医疗服务项目,促进了服务态度的改善和医疗质量的提高,从根本上改变了医院“脏、乱、差”和“老大难”的落后状况,如今,我院安定团结、积极向上的良好局面已经形成,为今后的建设发展奠定了较好的基础。多年来的实践证明,我院的改革方向正确,步骤稳妥,措施得力,我们的主要做法是,改革中自始到终不放松思想政治工作。并注意结合政治经济形势和医院的特点,有效地发挥了思想政治工作在医院改革中的重要作用。 Since 1984, our institute has initially established a set of “Shitai County” with the characteristics of its own hospital on the basis of the trial “Dean’s Responsibility System”, “employee recruitment system” and “office accounting, quality assessment, bonus floating system”. People’s Hospital management is down.“ At the same time, it played the political core role of the party branch of the hospital and the active role of the trade unions and the Communist Youth League. From beginning to end, ideological and political work was incorporated into hospital reforms. Using the Party’s line to unify the thinking of the entire staff of the hospital, effectively mobilized the enthusiasm of medical personnel, expanded medical service projects, promoted improvement of service attitude and improvement of medical quality, and fundamentally changed the hospital’s ”dirty, chaotic The backward situation of the “difficult” and “protracted” is now a good situation in which our hospital is stable, united and positive. This has laid a good foundation for future development. The practice over the years has proved that the reform direction of our hospital is correct, the steps are sound, and the measures are effective. Our main approach is to not relax our ideological and political work from start to finish. And pay attention to combining the political and economic situation with the characteristics of hospitals, effectively played an important role in ideological and political work in hospital reform.
1 紧紧围绕医疗中心加强党的建设,使医院党组织更有生机更有活力 江泽民同志指出:“各项工作都要围绕经济建设这个中心来开展,为这个中心服务,不能干扰这个中心。”党组织作
为了解老年人角膜水平径正常值 ,我们于 1999年 9月 8日至 10月 8日 ,在贵州省毕节地区开展“视觉第一 ,中国行动”中 ,对来自毕节地区威宁、纳雍、赫章、大方、黔西、金沙、
脊柱转移瘤是最常见的骨转移瘤,约40%的癌症患者死亡时已发生脊柱转移,其中最多见于胸椎(70%),其次是腰椎(20%),再次为颈椎(10%)。由于椎体内松质骨血 Spinal metastases ar