山西省人民政府 训令!为重申中等学校领导关系由

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查省县立中等学校的领导关系,前华北人民政府普通中学暨师范学校暂行实施办法(草案)及本省第一次中教会议关于整顿县师及联师的规定内,早有明文规定,并经通令遵行在案。惟有个别专县,尚未能贯澈执行,以致学校与当地政府关系不够协调;或工作指示发生矛盾,学校感到莫衷一是难于应付。兹为克服此种现象,明确领导关系,特重申前令如下:一、省立中等学校(包括省立师范及技术学校),由省府直接领导。凡有关各该校应兴应革事宜,人事之配备与调动,学习之布置,学校班次之增减及其他学校行政问题,均由省府直接解决。各专署除依省府指示,指导与协助学校外,不得直接调动学校干部,教员与学生。专署 Chaoyang County secondary schools leadership relations, the former North China People’s Government ordinary secondary schools and normal schools tentative implementation measures (Draft) and the province’s first meeting of the Central Committee on the rectification of county division and joint division of the provisions of the early and expressly provided By order to comply with the case. Only a few counties have yet to implement them consistently. As a result, the relationship between the schools and the local government is not coordinated enough. If there are contradictions in the work instructions, the schools find it hard to cope with any incompetence. In order to overcome this kind of phenomenon and clearly lead the relations, we hereby reiterate the order as follows: 1. The provincial secondary schools (including provincial normal colleges and technical schools) are directly under the leadership of the provincial government. All relevant schools should be reformed should be changed, staffing and transfer of personnel, learning arrangements, changes in school shifts and other school administrative problems are directly resolved by the provincial government. Apart from directing and assisting schools according to the instructions of the provincial government, each agency shall not directly mobilize school cadres, teachers and students. Agency
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