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俘获型网络是发展中国家嵌入全球价值链的主要模式。在俘获型网络中,弱势代工制造业能够获得期望中的绩效或分得一杯羹吗?面对发达国家候鸟型的强势领导企业,代工制造业该如何转型升级呢?本文以治理、绩效和升级为核心脉络来分析俘获型网络中代工制造业的处境和发展方向。本文认为,俘获型网络中,发展中国家代工制造业通常面临双重不利的治理地位:在全球价值链中通常受制于领导企业、在国内受制于弱势的产业治理结构。据此,代工制造企业常常具备明显的单边依赖性,强势企业则呈现四处逐利的候鸟特征。在此治理模式下,从既得利益来说,代工制造业的经济租金、提供的社会就业机会和在位权摇摆不定,难以掌控;从发展方向来看,为了在全球竞争日益激烈的制造环节维持在位权和提升话语权,需要国家和企业的共同努力,探索创新性的多元升级模式.以应对转型升级的迫切需求。 Trapping networks are the main mode in which developing countries embed global value chains. In the capture network, the weak foundry manufacturing industry can get the desired performance or a slice of it? The face of the strong leader of migratory birds in developed countries, foundry manufacturing how to transform and upgrade it? In this paper, governance, performance And upgrading as the core context to analyze the situation and development direction of the foundry manufacturing industry in the capture network. This article argues that in capture networks, OEMs in developing countries often face a dilemma of dominance: they are often dominated by leading firms in global value chains and are subject to weak governance structures in the country. As a result, foundry manufacturing enterprises often have obvious unilateral dependence, and strong enterprises are characterized by migratory foes around by profit-making. In this mode of governance, from the vested interests, the economic rent of foundry manufacturing industry, the provision of social employment opportunities and the right of vacillation, it is difficult to control; from the development direction, in order to compete in the increasingly competitive global manufacturing sector Maintaining the right of standing and promoting the right to speak requires the joint efforts of the state and enterprises to explore innovative and diversified upgrade modes in response to the urgent need for transformation and upgrading.
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