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英语中other这个词比较活跃,用法较多,很多同学不能完全弄清楚它的用法,在考试或应用中容易出错。现在,我们就把这个词及其相关词的用法列出来,帮助大家掌握这个知识点。1.One...the other... the other+n.(sing.) “两个中的另一个(的)”如:1)Mr.Green has two horses.One is white and the other is black. The other word in English is more active and more used. Many students cannot fully understand its usage, and are prone to errors in examinations or applications. Now, we will list the use of this word and its related words to help everyone master this knowledge. 1.One...the other... the other+n.(sing.) “The other of the two” is: 1) Mr.Green has two horses. One is white and the other is black. .
2011年7月,正当全国660万大学生涌出校门,在求职路上经历着磕磕绊绊时,26岁的湖南小伙李铿锵,却通过短短一年多时间的打拼,把自己炼成了名震一方的“红薯CEO”。这位凭借烤红薯创业的大学生,年收入竟高达60多万元,并“烤”出了一个响亮的品牌和10多家连锁店!其成功经历,会给我们带来怎样的启迪和思考?  邂逅商机,大学生卖“时尚烤红薯”  李铿锵是湖南邵阳市洞口县杨林乡人,几年前他考入中南林业科
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144.There has been a public____over where thehospital should be built.A.controversy B.argumentC.dispute D.debate答案 A。该句意思是“医院应该修建在何处,一直是公
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一项新的研究表明丰富的维生素和矿物质可以延缓因上了年纪而视力减退的进程。这种情况被称作与年龄有关的斑点衰退症或者 A-M-D。这种疾病是导致老年人失明的一个主要原因
如何表达“一……就”汪建新在英语中,有不少词语可以用来表示“一……就”的意义,除assoonas、nosooner...than、hardly(orscarcely)...when(orbefore)之外,还有themoment(that)、them... How to Express “One... Just” Wang Jianxin In English, there are
一组近义词的释义张宝英林金陵本文拟对avenue、boulevard、highway、lane、path、pavement、road、stret、trail、way简要释义以区分各词之异同。1.avenue一词为“林荫路”、“大街”、“街道”。在表示... Interpretation of a group of sy