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144.There has been a public____over where thehospital should be built.A.controversy B.argumentC.dispute D.debate答案 A。该句意思是“医院应该修建在何处,一直是公众中有争议的问题。”A 项 controversy 意为“长期不休的争论”。B 项 argument 指各执己见者间发生的争论。如:Theyhad an argument about who should be blamed.就准该受到指责他们有过一场争论。C 项 dispute 是个常用词,多指 144.There has been a public____over where thehospital should be built.A.controversy B.argumentC.dispute D.debate Answers A. The phrase means “where the hospital should be built and it has always been a controversial issue in the public.” “A term controversy means ”long-lasting arguments." The B-item argument refers to disputes that occur between the individual’s own opinions. Such as: Theyhad an argument about who should be blamed. They should be accused of having an argument. The C term dispute is a common word.
英语的形容词、副词以及少数几个限定词和相应的不定代词(如 many,few,much,little)有三种语法形式。即原级,比较级和最高级,统称为“比较等级”。“比较等级”用于句中对人
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