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青州市针对当前农村各类矛盾纠纷面广、量大、调处难度大的实际,于去年二月份在各乡镇、办事处成立了‘民间纠纷协调委员会’,综合基层法庭、司法所、派出所、法律服务站的力量,加强调处。一年多来,共调处各类矛盾纠纷3119起,预防了387起民转刑、民转治安案件的发生,稳定了社会治安秩序,去年治安案件、刑事案件分别比上年下降9.6%和l9.3%,‘四无村’达到90%,对经济的持续、健康、快速发展起到了有力的保障作用。近几年来,青州市认真贯彻中共中央关于‘两手抓,两手都要硬’的战略方针,狠抓社会治安综合治理,有效地稳定了社会治安秩序。但是,随着市场经济的发展,由于人、财、物大流动,引起了矛盾纠纷增多,出现了‘三多一不适应’:(1)经济纠纷增多。如各种合同纠纷、债权债务纠纷、收益分配纠纷等;(2)群众之间纠纷增多。群众之间在生产、生活中由于各种利害得失的碰撞,出现了众多 In response to the fact that all kinds of contradictions and disputes in the rural areas are widespread and large in quantity and difficult to regulate and deal with, the Qingzhou Municipal Government set up a “committee for coordination of disputes among civilians” in all towns and offices in February last year. Comprehensive grass-roots courts, judicial offices, police stations and law Service stations to strengthen mediation. Over the past year, a total of 3,192 contradictions and disputes have been reconciled, preventing 387 people from committing crimes and turning public security into public security cases, stabilizing social order and order. Last year, the number of public security cases and criminal cases dropped by 9.6% and l9 .3%, and “no village” reaches 90%, which has provided a powerful guarantee for sustained, healthy and rapid economic development. In recent years, Qingzhou City has conscientiously implemented the CPC Central Committee’s strategic guideline of ’using both hands and both hands hard,’ paying close attention to the comprehensive management of social order and effectively stabilizing the social order. However, with the development of the market economy, due to the large-scale movement of people, money and goods, conflicts and disputes have increased, resulting in the emergence of ’three mores and one not suited’: (1) Economic disputes have increased. Such as various contract disputes, claims and liabilities disputes, distribution of revenue disputes, etc .; (2) disputes between the masses increased. There has been a great deal of mass emergence in the production and daily life as a result of the collision of various gains and losses
前言 飞行进程带(FPS)试验目前被用于为航线空中交通管制申请人进行次级的色觉筛选。这种试验提供了一个实际的有工作特异性的色觉选择准则。FPS试验的最初证实,是将FPS试验
最近,劳动部发出通知,要求各地紧密结合实际,采取切实可行的措施,抓紧时间扎扎实实地抓好《劳动法》的学习、宣传、贯彻和实施,并提出要着重抓好主要工作的意见,其中有: 一
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