A novel correlation approach for prediction of natural gas compressibility factor

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodeweibo
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Gas compressibility factor (z-Factor) is one of the most important parameters in upstream and downstream calculations of petroleum industries.The importance of z-Factor cannot be overemphasized in oil and gas engineering calculations.The experimental measurements,Equations of State (EoS) and empirical correlations are the most common sources of z-Factor calculations.There are more than twenty correlations available with two variables for calculating the z-Factor from fitting in an EoS or just through fitting techniques.However,these correlations are too complex,which require initial value and more complicated and longer computations or have magnitude error.The purpose of this study is to develop a new accurate correlation to rapidly estimate z-Factor.Result of this correlation is compared with large scale of database and experimental data also.Proposed correlation has 1.660 of Absolute Percent Relative Error (EABS) versus Standing and Katz chart and has also 3.221 of EABS versus experimental data.The output of this correlation can be directly assumed or be used as an initial value of other implicit correlations.This correlation is valid for gas coefficient of isothermal compressibility (cg) calculations also. Gas compressibility factor (z-Factor) is one of the most important parameters in upstream and downstream calculations of petroleum industries. The importance of z-Factor can not be overemphasized in oil and gas engineering calculations. The experimental measurements, Equations of State (EoS) and empirical correlations are the most common sources of z-factor calculations. Here are more than twenty correlations available with two variables for calculating the z-factor from fitting in an EoS or just through fitting techniques. However, these correlations are too complex, which require initial value and more complicated and longer computations or have magnitude error. The purpose of this study is to develop a new accurate correlation to rapidly estimate z-Factor. Result of this correlation is compared with large scale of database and experimental data also .Proposed correlation has 1.660 of Absolute Percent Relative Error (EABS) versus Standing and Katz chart and has also 3.221 of EABS versus experi mental data. The output of this correlation can be directly off assumed or be used as an initial value of other implicit correlations.This correlation is valid for gas coefficient of isothermal compressibility (cg) calculations also.
周小川的提议,仅仅是表现了中国希望参与引领新一轮终济复苏,并与美国在金融货币领域同舟共济的方针和意志,象征性远大于实际意义。    中国央行行长周小川连续两天在央行官方网站发表文章,呼吁改革以美元为主导的国际金融货币体系,终结美元独霸全球的时代,倡议将IMF(国际货币基金组织)的特别提款权,发展为超主权储备货币,并逐步替换现有储备货币即美元。消息一出,就像一枚投入平静池塘的无形炸弹,骤然间引爆巨波
采用电沉积法制备了Fe掺杂PTFE-PbO2/TiO2-NTs/Ti、PbO2/TiO2-NTs/Ti、PbO2/Ti 3种电极,运用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪观察表面形貌与形态,通过线性扫描伏安法在0.1 mol·L-
本文对接锰人员的脑血流图、脑电图检测价值和其相关性研究结果表明:(1)脑血流图的异常改变(例如重搏波的隐匿或消失、上升时间的延长)和脑电图出现β波律或慢波(θ波), 其与接触锰量的程度有关。尤其是慢性锰中毒组其异常改变率最高; (2)从脑血流图,脑电图的异常率和接锰工龄的相关性显示脑血流图的异常改变比脑电图的改变早14—16年。这亦说明锰对机体首先对脑血管硬化的影响,而后再致脑细胞的损害。