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毕业即失业,这话一点都不假,我大学毕业后,扎入了茫茫的求职人海中,个中滋味,让人感到欷歔。我算是一个幸运者,成功应聘到了一家大公司,开始试用。同期进入公司的一共10个人,公司明确告诉我们,半年后择优劣汰,将有7人被淘汰,正式录用3个人。 Graduated from unemployment, these words are not fake, after I graduated from college, plunged into the vast sea of ​​job seekers, a taste, people feel ludicrous. I am a lucky man, successfully hired a large company, began trial. During the same period a total of 10 individuals into the company, the company told us specifically, six months after the meritocracy, seven people will be eliminated, the official hiring of three individuals.
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行政诉讼应以被告负主要举证责任为原则 根据现行的行政诉讼是因不服行政处罚或处理决定而提起的这一特点,把民事诉讼法第五十六条第一款关于当事人对自己提出的主张有责任