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“我们要像对待每一寸陆地国土一样对待每一寸海洋国土!只要海防线上有外国船只来骚扰,我们就要寸土必争!”我国第一条由民兵组成的群众性渔政协管船——中国渔政群管52号船的全体人员发出的这一誓言,充分表现了他们可贵的“蓝色国土”意识和自觉捍卫祖国蓝色国土的战斗精神。他们说得坚决,干得漂亮,我们特向他们表示由衷的敬意! 根据1994年11月16日生效的《联合国海洋法公约》,中华人民共和国的国土应当是:960万平方公里陆地国土+300万平方公里海洋国土=1260多万平方公里。我国周边的国家大都在自己的沿海划出并 对外宣布了这样和那样的“经济专属区”,且正通过各种手段在保障自己的海上利益。可是我国由于长期受“重陆轻海”的传统观念的影响,使许多人的国防视野囿于陆土而忽视海土,由此影响到对海上后备力量建设的重视和投资,特别是禁渔线上侵渔反侵渔的斗争日益严峻,日益尖锐。这种斗争本质上就是对“蓝色国土”的侵略与反侵略的斗争。我们应当从“讲政治”的高度看待这一斗争,看待52号船上民兵们的经验,认真学习他们的精神,自觉捍卫祖国的每一寸“蓝色国土”! “We have to treat every inch of ocean the same as every inch of land. As long as there are foreign vessels on the coast to harass, we will have to fight every inch!” Our first mass fisherman’s stewardship consisting of militias - - The oath issued by all personnel of China’s fishery management group No. 52 ship fully demonstrated their valuable “blue land” awareness and conscientiously defend the fighting spirit of the blue land of the motherland. They are resolute and well-done, and we pay special tribute to them! According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which entered into force on November 16, 1994, the territory of the People’s Republic of China should be: 9.6 million square kilometers of terrestrial land +300 Marine area of ​​10,000 square kilometers = 12.6 million square kilometers. Most of the countries neighboring our country have drawn up their own coastal areas and announced such “exclusive economic zones” to other countries and are using their various means to safeguard their maritime interests. However, due to the long-term influence of the traditional concept of “focusing on land and light sea”, many people ignore the territorial land due to their defense vision and thus affect the importance and investment in the construction of reserve forces at sea. In particular, the ban on fishing The fight against online fishing and anti-intrusion has become increasingly grim and increasingly acute. This struggle is essentially a struggle against aggression and anti-aggression of the “blue land”. We should look at this struggle from the perspective of “politics,” look at the experience of militias on ship 52, earnestly study their spirit, and consciously defend every inch of our motherland’s “blue land!”
我国钛白粉市场受国际市场影响较大,高档钛白粉,如美国902型、日本R936等我国贮量较少,大部分领先进口,由于国际市场价格下降及人民币汇率的下降,进口钛 China’s titanium
我国非织造布发展很快,目前居亚洲第二位,仅次于日本。 这几年非织造布发展特点是,热轧法、喷胶棉与仿丝棉生产线发展迅速,而且纺粘法、熔喷法与水刺法等新的工艺加工方法,
国内纺织装饰市场将出现“新、阔、密”配套型产品,“贴近生活和自然浪漫”将成为流行趋势的“主旋律”。 纺织装饰产品在原料、花色、结构、包装等方面将有所突破,织物变得