Swimmy 小黑鱼

来源 :阅读(快乐英语中年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdddddddd
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  A happy school of little fish lived in a corner of the sea somewhere.
  They were all red.
  Only one of them was as black as a mussel shell.
  He swam faster than his brothers and sisters.
  . .!
  His name was Swimmy.
  One bad day, a tuna fish, swift, fierce and very hungry,came darting through the waves.
  In one gulp he swallowed all the little red fish.
  Only Swimmy escaped.
  He swam awayin the deep wet world.
  He was scarelonely and very sad.
  But the sea was full of wonderful creatures. and as he swam from marvelto marvel. Swimmy was happy againHe saw a medusa(水母) made of rainbow jelly ...
  a lobster (龙虾). who walked aboutlike a water-moving machine _
  strange fish, pulled by an invisible tread...
  a forest of seaweeds growing from sugar-candy rocks ...
  an eel(海鰻 ) whose tail was almost toofar away to remember...
  and sea anemones (海葵), who looked like pink palm trees swaying inthe wind.
  Then, hidden in the dark shade of rocks and weeds, he saw a school oflittle fish, just like his own.
  " Let ' s go and swim and play and SEE thingsl" he said happily.
  "We can ' t, " said the little red fish. "The big fish will eat us all."
  "But you can' t just lie there," said Swimmy. "We must THINK ofsomething."
  Swimmy thought and thought and thought.
  Then suddenly he said, "I have itl We aregoing to swim all together like the biggest fish in the seal"
  He taught them toswim close together, eachin his own place.
  And so they swam in the cool morning water and in the midday sun andchased the big fish away.
  (宁灵 摘编)
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