为了解决当前小学作文教学存在的一些问题,我们依据“小学语文教学大纲”中对各年级作文训练的要求,本着读写结合的原则,配合教材中的安排,结合我区情况,安排了一个“四步驟八阶段”的作文训练序列。第一步:说话训练训练内容:①说一句、几句完整、连贯的话。②说一段连贯的话。训练年级;一、二年级训练要求: 1.能说一句、几句完整、连贯的活,到一段连贯的话。 2.能说普通话。要求吐字清晰,速度适当,语气得当,态度自然大方,有一定感情。
In order to solve some of the problems existing in the teaching of composition in primary schools, we have put in place a combination of the requirements of literary training for all grades in the “Primary School Chinese Syllabus”, in accordance with the principles of literacy and reading, and in accordance with the arrangements in the textbooks, in conjunction with the situation in our district, “Four Steps and Eight Stages” Composition Training Sequence. The first step: to speak training training content: 1 to say one sentence, a few complete, coherent words. 2 Say a coherent statement. Years of training; training requirements for the first and second grades: 1. Ability to speak, a few complete sentences, coherent activities, and a coherent story. 2. Can speak Mandarin. Demand is clear, the speed is appropriate, the tone is appropriate, the attitude is natural, and there is a certain feeling.