
来源 :石油炼制与化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolovenorton
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今年上半年,石油工业战线上的广大职工,在党的领导下,继续鼓足革命干劲,开展了高产优质的群众运动,使石油工业在去年大跃进的基础上,又取得了新的重大成就。1—6月份的原油产量,超过了1957年全年的产量,比去年同期增长了74.6%,是历年来最快的增长速度。成品中的汽油和柴油,分别比去年同期增长30%与67.8%,基本建设完成的工作量也比去年同期增加了45.5%。这样快的增长速度,是大跃进的速度;我们目前所处的形势,也是继续大跃进的形势。但是,在肯定上半年生产成绩的同时,必须看到今后的任务仍然十分艰巨,还需要我们 In the first half of this year, a large number of workers and staff members on the front of the oil industry, under the leadership of the party, continued to summon revolutionary enthusiasm and carried out mass production campaigns with high quality and quality so that the oil industry made major new achievements on the basis of the great leap forward last year . The crude oil output in January-June surpassed the full-year production in 1957, an increase of 74.6% over the same period of last year, marking the fastest growth rate over the years. The finished gasoline and diesel, respectively, increased by 30% and 67.8% over the same period of last year, and the capital construction completed workload also increased by 45.5% over the same period of last year. Such a rapid growth rate is the speed of the Great Leap Forward. The current situation we are facing is also a situation where the Great Leap Forward will continue. However, while affirming the achievements in the first half of the year, we must see that the tasks ahead will still be extremely arduous. We also need us
态度有人出了一个问题,让北京、上海和广州人来回答。这个问题是:一个外星人被地球人无意间捉住了,地球人应该拿外星人怎么办? 北京人:应该马上送到博物馆去展览,让更多的人
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