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重要生产资料调控的基础应是在我国国力和现有生产力水平基础上,搞好国民经济综合平衡,为保证国民经济综合平衡发展而进行宏观调控。这里讲的综合平衡必须是保证我国国民经济持续、稳定、协调发展的实际平衡;必须是财政,信贷、物资之间的实际平衡;必须是国家各部门之间的实际平衡;必须是社会总产品分配的实际平衡。但我觉得,过去往往忽视这一点,在财政,信贷、物资平衡中,本来财政和信贷资金分配形成的货币购买力总额应与物资供应量相互适应,而且资金分配还要与物资构成保持平衡,还要注意瞻前顾后以丰补欠,以余补缺;但我们往往注重财政,信贷留有缺口的硬性平衡,忽视物资平衡,结果造成分了钱再找物,使资金投放缺乏物资保证,使生产建设失去了物质的基础。在国民经济各部门的平衡中,各部门应互为补充,相互依存,彼此制约,物质生产领域内,工农业之间,重工业轻工业之间都要有适当的比例关系,适当的发展规模。 The basis of the regulation of the important means of production should be based on the strength of our country and the level of the existing productive forces, do a good job in the comprehensive balance of the national economy and carry out macro-control in order to ensure the balanced and balanced development of the national economy. The comprehensive balance here must be the actual balance that guarantees the sustained, stable and coordinated development of our national economy. It must be the actual balance between finance, credit and supplies. It must be the actual balance among the various branches of the state. It must be the total social product The actual balance of distribution. However, I think that in the past, this point was often overlooked. In the fiscal, credit and material balances, the total monetary purchasing power originally formed by the distribution of financial and credit funds should be adjusted to the supply of supplies and the distribution of funds should be balanced with the material composition. However, we often pay attention to the rigid balance of finance and credit, and neglect the material balance. As a result, we find that we can not find any material guarantee for the allocation of capital so that the construction of production lags behind The material basis. In the balance of all branches of the national economy, all departments should complement each other, interdependence and mutual restraint, and there should be an appropriate proportional relationship between industry and agriculture, and heavy industry and light industry in the field of material production and an appropriate scale of development.
美国Nanodyne Inc公司新近开发成功晶粒尺寸为1~100nm超细WC复合粉末.据称,用其制造出印刷电路板用硬质合金钻头的使用寿命比常用同组分硬质合金钻头提高了3倍. Recently, th
态度有人出了一个问题,让北京、上海和广州人来回答。这个问题是:一个外星人被地球人无意间捉住了,地球人应该拿外星人怎么办? 北京人:应该马上送到博物馆去展览,让更多的人
Shy-Drager综合征为一种少见的中枢神经系统多系统变性疾病,我科收治1例。 临床资料:患者,男,46岁,工人。1984年逐渐出现阳萎。1985年6月出现尿急、夜尿多、尿床及便秘。198