2003年流行圆润丰满,于是,胖MM们暗自高兴:终于等到扬眉吐气的这一天,再也不必羡慕排骨美女。其实,事情决不会这么简单。要想解读2003丰满的含义;你得把下面的文字读完。永远的“瘦脸” 小脸型一直是这些年的流行趋势,身材再性感,如果面若银盘,美丽也会打许多折扣。纵观国内外所有丰满的性感艳星,基本上都有一张有层次感的小脸蛋,小甜甜布兰妮的小脸算比较丰满,也要依仗年轻可爱才说得过去。所以,“瘦脸”运动将持之以恒。丰满气绝“卷发” 今季卷发回潮.无论短发、中长发还是长发,都要略弯曲而蓬松,
2003 popular round plump, so Fat MM are secretly happy: finally wait until the proud day, no longer have to envy the ribs beauty. In fact, things will never be that simple. To understand the meaning of plump 2003; you have to read the following text. Forever “face-lift ” Small face has been the trend of these years, body and then sexy, if the noodles silver plate, the beautiful will also play a lot of discount. Throughout all the fullness of domestic and foreign sexy Yan Star, basically have a layered face, Britney Spears’s face considered relatively full, but also relies on young and lovely before it is justified. So, “face-lift ” campaign will persevere. Full of plump “curly hair ” Curly hair wave this season.No short hair, long hair or long hair, should be slightly curved and fluffy,