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当前,大数据在基础医学、临床医学、公共卫生等领域的应用开展得如火如荼,其可以为生物学、临床医学、流行病学等领域提供强有效的工具。大数据的应用可以更准确地分析疾病或表型在不同人群中的患病率及发病趋势,探讨危险因素与疾病间的关系,使得数据驱动临床决策成为可能,是实现传统医学模式向“精准医学”转变的必要前提和核心动力。同时,大数据的应用还有助于宏观规律的得出,可以为医疗卫生政策的制定提供可靠依据。社区卫生服务构筑了居民健康的第一道防线,可以解决居民80%~90%的基本健康问题,同时也是深化医药卫生体制改革的重要基础。将大数据应用于社区卫生服务和全科医疗,无异于为基层卫生插上翅膀,对推动医药卫生事业发展和提高全民健康水平均大有 At present, the application of big data in basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health and other fields is in full swing. It can provide powerful tools for biology, clinical medicine and epidemiology. The application of big data can more accurately analyze the prevalence and incidence trends of diseases or phenotypes in different populations, explore the relationship between risk factors and diseases, make data-driven clinical decision-making possible, realize the traditional medical model to “ Precise Medicine ”the necessary preconditions and core power of change. At the same time, the application of big data also contributes to the macroscopic law, which can provide a reliable basis for the formulation of medical and health policies. Community health services have built the first line of defense for residents ’health, which can solve 80% -90% of the residents’ basic health problems and also serve as an important foundation for deepening the reform of the medical and health system. Applying big data to community health services and GPs is tantamount to attaching wings to grass-roots health and promoting the development of medical and health undertakings and improving the health of all people
目的:探讨温肾活血汤联合克罗米芬(clomiphene citrate,CC)促排卵治疗后对子宫内膜容受性的影响。方法:45例排卵障碍型不孕患者随机分成A组(CC)、B组(CC+阿司匹林)、C组(CC+
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