German fairs abroad: Wherever prospects are bright

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  German exhibition companies will again be launching new trade fairs abroad in 2019 and early 2020. In markets or industries with a promising future.
  A new show will be making its debut on 11 and 12 September: Digital Industry USA by Deutsche Messe, Hanover, is to take place every two years in future. The venue is Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, a city in the heart of an industrial region. From there, three quarters of all production capacities nationwide can be reached by air within three hours. “Digital Industry USA focuses exclusively on the deployment of Industry 4.0 technologies and the industrial Internet of Things,” says Jochen K?ckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe. “It will complement Hannover Messe USA, which takes place in the even years.” The event targets numerous user industries and consists of an exhibition, conference and education programme. In addition, there will be local area tours of a distillery using IIoT equipment, the Toyota plant and the UPS distribution centre in Louisville. The main themes of the show are additive manufacturing, automation, cyber security, data analytics, artificial intelligence, logistics 4.0, production efficiency, robots and networked industry (www.
  Messe Düsseldorf will launch pacprocess Middle East Africa in Cairo next December. This event, which focuses on the packaging industry and related processing industry, is said to be an important signal for the recovery of the Egyptian economy. Messe Düsseldorf is expanding particularly into dynamic future markets such as Africa, South America and the Middle East. “All these markets show a strong demand for investments in industry and infrastructure," emphasises Werner Matthias Dornscheidt. "With our trade fairs abroad, we are creating local platforms where players from different sectors can come together and jointly drive the development of national economies," says the President and CEO of Messe Düsseldorf. The prospects are good for the new project on the Nile. The Egyptian packaging market grew by 35 per cent between 2015 and 2019. Plus: As a gateway to the African world, the country wants to play a key role in the Middle East and Africa (MEA). For this purpose it maintains extensive free trade agreements (

  Messe Frankfurt is expanding its programme in East Asia. Child Edu& Care Japan will kick off for the first time from 7 to 8 June. It will be the country’s first trade fair for products and services related to childcare and education. Japan has seen an increasing demand for childcare facilities in recent years. In response to this development, the Japanese government has budgeted the equivalent of around 1.2 billion euros in fiscal 2019 for enhancing the number of childcare facilities and new jobs. “We are so proud to launch a fair for this very important industry for the future of Japan,” explains Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt. Exhibitors will be presenting furniture, health and sanitary products, nursing supplies, educational and learning toys, indoor play equipment, playground and child fitness equipment, swimming accessories, security and management systems and services (   NürnbergMesse is growing on the Indian market. It has now added the 16th event on the subcontinent to its portfolio - India’s dedicated trade fair for mattress and upholstery manufacturing. “India Mattresstech Expo covers an important sub-segment of the furniture industry,”says Peter Ottmann, explaining the acquisition of the show, which is set to kick off alongside the next edition of Indiawood in Bangalore in late February 2020. “It is the ideal complement to our Indian woodworking events,” adds the CEO of NürnbergMesse. Plus: India’s furniture industry offers good prospects for the future. In 2015 the local furniture market was estimated at 18 billion US dollars, by 2027 it is expected to reach 27 billion US dollars. Progressive urbanisation, rising incomes and an increasing appreciation of high-quality bedding products benefit the mattress industry above all. Alongside machinery and equipment for the production of mattresses and upholstery, the trade fair, which was launched in 2013, also showcases bed systems(
雅典十年來再度举办国防展  在超过十年没有举办国际性国防展之后,希腊将于2020年6月22-24日在雅典举行雅典国际展览会(DEFEA),展会将在大都会博览中心举行。展会由希腊国防部兼国防投资和军备总局主办,ROTA Exhibitions展览公司承办,并获得希腊防务材料制造商联盟(SEKPY)支持。 该展览会旨在成为东南欧和东地中海地区国防领域标杆展会,将向希腊和国际防务界的专业观众展示希腊本土
编者按:马来西亚国际贸易展览中心作为东南亚地区第三大专业会展场馆和马来西亚最大的会展中心,总面積为45000平米。展览中心与各界伙伴紧密合作,在会展活动方面积极推动可持续发展进程。  “绿色会展”意义重大  作为马来西亚知名的会展场馆,马来西亚国际贸易展览中心在绿色会展方面有着广泛的实践。会展中心首席执行官Gunther Beissel深刻认识到“绿色会展”的重要性。他表示,绿色展览包含一系列行动
漢诺威展览公司去年财报喜人  据最新财报显示,自2000年承办世博会以来,2018年,汉诺威展览公司首次在偶数年实现了乐观的业务收入。 这种趋势预计将在2019年继续保持。 “凭借3.1亿欧元的收入,我们在2018财年实现了收支平衡”,汉诺威展览公司董事会主席Jochen K?ckler报告2018年财务情况时如是说。  海外业务仍然是汉诺威展览公司一个关键的增长动力:去年,汉诺威总公司及其在各地
南非当地时间6月12日,第四届中国(南非)纺织精品展览会暨南非纺织服饰鞋类展览会在南非开普敦国际会议中心拉开帷幕。本届中国(南非)纺织精品展览会与ATF展会展出规模创出历史新高,同期浙江省商务厅主办的浙江国际贸易(南非)展览会和广东商务厅主办的广东(南非)商品展览会也以展中展形式拉开帷幕。  当天上午,中国驻开普敦总领馆总领事林静,中国纺织工业联合会副会长、中国国际贸易促进委员会纺织行业分会常务副
Since when did you start your exhibition business in the Indian exhibition market?  Todi: was launched on 24th Jan 2014 as a global platform for eventgoers to discover business events. We
On South Africa local time of 12, June 2019, the 4th China Premium Textile & Apparel Trade Show-South Africa (CPT-South Africa) held the Opening at the Cape Town International Convention Center in Sou
The 2019 Moscow International Tea Expo, hosted by Moscow Sokolniki Exhibition and Exhibition Center and Fujian Strong Commerce & Exhibition Co., Ltd will be held at Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention
作为一年一度全新户外运动平台及户外行业领域知名的全球年度盛会,于6月30至7月3日举行的OutDoor by ISPO 2019迎来1,018家参展商和超过2.2万名专业观众参与,开启了户外行业新纪元。在“打造人人美好户外生活”口号下,欧洲知名户外博览会首次移师慕尼黑,颇有新起点、新征程意味。全新开放式展厅理念结合展厅内外18个重点展示区,面向专业观众开设意义深远的同期活动,使本届博览会成为现代户
作为享誉全球的光电领域博览会,2019年慕尼黑国际光博会于6月24至27日在慕尼黑隆重举行。电动车及可持续发展等高端话题备受人们关注,热度不亞于现代生物光电技术催生的新医学方法。  观众数量创造记录  慕尼黑博览集团副总裁莱因哈德?菲佛(Reinhard Pfeiffer)博士总结道:“本届慕尼黑国际光博会精彩纷呈,参展商数量突破记录,来自40个国家及地区共计1,325家参展商(2017年为1,2