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这个小村庄很久没有如此的热闹过了,惟一的一个小学操场上满满的摆了几十张圆桌,人们一堆一堆的围着桌子。操场中央用木架搭了一个小台,台上摆了个功放机,上面斜斜的放了个话筒,两旁立着音响。这是赵大贵大喜的日子,他穿着笔挺的西装挽着新娘子走上了木架台子,油光发亮的头发,还有旁边如花的妻子引起下面一阵“喷喷”声。四周慢慢的安静了下来,连正在大哭的孩子都好奇的瞪圆了眼四处望着,清了清嗓子,赵大贵拿起话筒,说道:“今天是我赵大贵大喜的日子,很感谢各位父老乡亲的捧场……”台下传来了一阵阵热烈的掌声,这掌声穿透了山村的宁静,也仿佛穿越了时空。不甘打工农村小伙改写命运一天,外出打工离家五年的农村小伙赵大贵偶然看到一篇名叫《打上多年,我到底失去了什么?》的杂文,主人翁的经历跟他惊人的相似,在最后,作者说“在这几年的 The village had not been so lively for a long time. The only elementary school playground was full of dozens of round tables, and people piled up around the table. In the middle of the playground, a small stand was placed on a wooden stand, a power amplifier was placed on the stage, and a microphone was placed diagonally above it with sounds on both sides. This was Zhao Dagui’s happy day. He wore a brisk suit and took the bride to the wooden stand. The shiny shiny hair and the wife next to the flowers caused the following ”spray“. Slowly and quietly all around, even the crying children were curious and looked round, and cleared his throat. Zhao Dagui picked up the microphone and said: ”Today is my day when Zhao Dagui was overjoyed. Thank you very much. The support of the folks...“ There was a burst of warm applause from the audience. This applause pierced the tranquility of the village and seemed to pass through time and space. Reluctant to work, the rural guy rewritten his destiny for a day. Zhao Dagui, a rural young man who had left home for five years to work outside his hometown, accidentally saw an essay called “Fishing for years, what am I missing?”. The hero’s experience was strikingly similar to hiss. , the author said ”in these years
Estimataj sinjorinoj kaj sinjoroj,Ne havante la eblon partopreni per-sone en la Kongreso,mi sendas pere deprez.Tan mian koran saluton al iuj par-toprenantoj de
Without direct flights, the two-hour flying time from Beijing to Taipei means a traveler must spend seven or eight hours in the air. Chen Yunlin, the mainland’
2007年4月18日,美国帕莱克亚洲总部———帕莱克机械(南京)有限公司在南京江宁科学园举行了隆重的开业典礼。帕莱克全球CEO Michael Nuc-citelli、帕莱克国际市场经理Douglas
Karaj Gekongresanoj,Karaj Geamikoj,Mi ege malojas ke mi ne povas estikun vi hodiaǔ.Bedaǔrinde,cirkonstancojmalebligas tion.Estis kun granda intereso ke viako
fe超级英文剧场地点:英国剑桥大学时间:阳光灿烂的午后人物:C——陈伟 M——Make Fe Super English Theatre Location: University of Cambridge, UK Time: Sunny Afternoo