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在全国各族人民坚决响应英明领袖华主席提出“抓纲治国”战略决策,深入揭批“四人帮”反党集团反革命罪行,掀起工业学大庆、农业学大寨新高潮中,又传来了英明领袖华主席对科技工作的重要指示和向科学技术现代化进军的伟大号召,这极大地鼓舞了科技战线的广大工人、干部和科技工作者。在这一派大好的形势下,由中国科学技术情报所筹备主持的“全国激光医学应用和激光医疗器械技术交流会”,在中央有关部门,湖北省委的关怀支持下于1977年6月22日至30日在武汉市召开。 The people of all nationalities in the country resolutely responded to the wise decision of Chairman Hua of China, which unveiled the strategic decision of “grasping the basic principles for the rule of state and govern the country,” thoroughly exposed and criticized the anti-revolutionary crimes committed by the “gang of four” anti-party clique and set off a new upsurge of industrialization in Daqing. Chairman Hua’s important instruction on science and technology work and the great call for marching toward the modernization of science and technology have greatly encouraged the vast number of workers, cadres and scientists and technicians in the scientific and technological front. Under the great situation of this school, “National Laser Medical Applications and Laser Medical Device Technical Exchanges”, which was prepared and presided over by China Science and Technology Intelligence Agency, was held on June 22, 1977 under the care and support of relevant central government departments and Hubei Provincial Party Committee. To be held in Wuhan on the 30th.
一、感光胶简介 感光胶,亦称光敏树脂,是一种高分子物质,它是在约在二十世纪三十年代随着合成在树脂和塑料工业的发展而产生的。目前它的发展相当迅速,应用日益广泛。 I. I
Liver diseases are an important and largely neglected health issue in low and middle income countries,which carry the highest burden.In this Topic Highlight,exp
AIM:To investigate and compare the decompression effect on small bowel obstruction of a long tube inserted using either endoscopic or fluoroscopic placement.MET