
来源 :汽车电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:taylorgil7
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笔者认为一张较好而又标准的电路图,在规范、统一画法的同时应配有:①电气设备安装图。它能有助于维修人员了解该车的每个电气设备安装部位,并能很快找到它。②电气线路尺寸图。它有利于维修人员重新装配和把握自制线路总程时的每个分支线路尺寸。③电气线路原理图。在电气 I believe that a better and standard circuit diagram, in the norms, unified painting method should be equipped with: ① electrical equipment installation plans. It helps service personnel understand each electrical equipment installation area of ​​the car and can find it quickly. ② electrical wiring diagram. It facilitates maintenance personnel to reassemble and grasp the line size of each branch when making a home-made line. ③ electrical circuit diagram. In electrical
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Cubic boron nitride (cBN) and orthorhombic boron nitride (oBN) crystals have been prepared in hydrothermal solutions by reacting H3BO3+NaN3+P and H3BO3+NaN3+N2H
We present an integrated mathematical model of vehicle-following control for the establishment, maintenance, and re-establishment of the previous or new safe an
根据国统字(2000)68号文件,国家统计局授予: 省企业调查队副队长李积文同志、西宁市统计局工业科副科长许坚同志为全国统计系统先进个人。现予以通报表彰。 According to G