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他是著名的学者和社会活动家。睿智的眼睛略微眯起,举手投足间透出古典的优雅,创造了无数个中国人中的第一,一连串耀眼奖项的得主。他致力于两岸的和平统一,不放过每一次能为两岸统一奔走的机会。他开朗、儒雅,乐观、博学。这些,是在上海的一栋别墅中,他留给我 He is a famous scholar and social activist. Wisdom eyes narrowed slightly, gestures reveal the classical elegance, created numerous countless Chinese in the first, a series of dazzling awards winner. He devoted himself to the peaceful unification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and gave every opportunity to cross the Strait for unification. He is cheerful, refined, optimistic and knowledgeable. These are in a villa in Shanghai, he left me
根据人发(2000)89号文件国家人事部、国家统计局授予: 贵南县统计局长先巴(藏族)“全国统计系统先进工作者”称号。现予以通报表彰。 According to the Ministry of Person
The Pb-birnessite was prepared by ion exchange from K-birnessite, which was synthesized by calcination of KMnO 4 . Measure methods of SEM (scanning electron
The selectivity of organosamarium(Ⅲ) hydride in reducing unsaturated carbonyl compounds has been studied. Dimeric organosamarium hydride[(C_9H_7)_2SmH]_2·4THF
Cubic boron nitride (cBN) and orthorhombic boron nitride (oBN) crystals have been prepared in hydrothermal solutions by reacting H3BO3+NaN3+P and H3BO3+NaN3+N2H
We present an integrated mathematical model of vehicle-following control for the establishment, maintenance, and re-establishment of the previous or new safe an
根据国统字(2000)68号文件,国家统计局授予: 省企业调查队副队长李积文同志、西宁市统计局工业科副科长许坚同志为全国统计系统先进个人。现予以通报表彰。 According to G