在渔业资源评价和渔业生产中,常用的与资源量有关的名词术语有以下几个。 资源量(abundance,一般译为丰度——编者注),在文献报告中或在讨论会上应用,是瞬时资源量(instantaneous abundance)的简称。它指的是在特定海域某时间开始时的鱼类种群数量。例如,1980年辽东湾春汛毛虾资源量,它指的是1980年春汛开捕时的资源数量。用尾数或用重量单位均可,当用
In fishery resources appraisal and fishery production, the commonly used nomenclature related to the amount of resources includes the following. Abundance (generally translated as abundance - editor’s note), used in a literature report or at a seminar, is short for instantaneous abundance. It refers to the number of fish stocks at the beginning of a particular time in a particular area. For example, the amount of shrimp resources in the Liaodong Bay during the spring flood season in 1980 refers to the number of resources during the flood season in early 1980. Use mantissa or weight unit, when used