随着气温逐渐升高,养鱼塘经常出现“泛塘”现象。其主要原因是:池底腐植质沉积过多,鱼类粪便排泄,有时过多的灌溉污水和施肥,加之鱼塘水温升高,细菌大量繁殖,沉积物矿化分解,以及鱼类和浮游生物活动消耗大量的氧气,因而闷热的天气很容易“泛塘”。怎样防止泛塘,其主要方法有如下几点: 一、投饲、施肥要适当。投喂饲料要做到定位、定量、定质。精料防止过多沉积分解,消耗溶氧,青料要及时捞出残
With the gradual increase in temperature, fish ponds often appear “pan-pond” phenomenon. The main reasons are: too much deposition of bottom humus, excretion of fish excrement, and sometimes excessive irrigation of sewage and fertilization, combined with increased water temperature in fish ponds, massive bacterial multiplication, sediment mineralization and decomposition, and fish and plankton Biological activity consumes a lot of oxygen, so the hot weather is easy “Pan Tong.” How to prevent Pan Tong, the main methods are as follows: First, feeding, fertilization should be appropriate. Feeding feed to achieve positioning, quantitative, qualitative. Concentrate to prevent excessive deposition decomposition, consumption of dissolved oxygen, green material to remove the residue in time