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吕舟清华大学建筑学院教授,清华大学国家遗产中心主任,国际文化财产修复与保护研究中心(ICCROM)理事,中国文物古迹保护协会(ICOMOS-CHINA)副主席,中国世界文化遗产专家委员会副主席,中国紫禁城学会副理事长,北京清华城市规划设计院文化遗产保护研究所所长,国家一级注册建筑师一直从事文化遗产保护和建筑历史研究工作,参加国家重要文物政策的制定工作;组织、主持大量国家重点文物保护单位、世界遗产地的保护规划编制;参与中国世界遗产项目的申报、监测、保护等工作,担任第28届世界遗产委员会大会主席文化遗产顾问,并参与日本、朝鲜、越南等国世界遗产项目的咨询、评审工作。偶然加巧合,从事建筑保护UED:您是20世纪80年代毕业于清华大学的。建筑学有很多门类,您为什么会选择建筑遗产作为您的研究方向呢?吕舟(下面简称“吕”):其实这很偶然。大学时感觉建筑历史的知识很有限,加上自己也有兴趣,就在毕业设计的时候选择了建筑历史。巧合的是,1982年,清华大学和国家文物局联合办了一个文物建筑的干部班,由我们清华学建筑历史的毕业班学生和文物系统的业务骨干组成。当时刚刚经过文化大革命,建筑遗产保护的队伍力量很薄弱,这是文化大革命以后国家文物局联合教育机构办的第一个建筑遗产保护的培训班,请了国外、国内很多著名的学者和文物保护专家授课。大学毕业之后我开始任教于清华,1988年有机会去设在意大利的“国际文化财产修复与保护研究中心”(ICCROM)学习建筑保护。后来参加了三峡库区文物抢救工程,基本上就转到这个建筑遗产保护领域来了。 Lvzhou is a professor at Tsinghua University’s School of Architecture, director of National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University, director of International Cultural Property Restoration and Conservation Research Center (ICCROM), vice chairman of ICOMOS-CHINA, vice chairman of China World Heritage Committee of Experts, Vice Chairman of China Forbidden City Society, director of Institute of Cultural Heritage Protection of Beijing Tsinghua Urban Planning and Design Institute, and registered architect at the national level has been engaged in the research work of cultural heritage protection and architectural history, participating in the formulation of national important cultural relics policies; organizing and hosting A large number of state key cultural relics protection units, the preparation of the World Heritage site protection planning; participate in the declaration of Chinese World Heritage projects, monitoring, protection work, as the 28th session of the World Heritage Committee General Assembly Heritage consultant, and participate in Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, etc. National World Heritage project consulting, review work. Occasionally plus coincidence, engaged in building protection UED: You graduated from Tsinghua University in the 1980s. There are many categories of architecture. Why did you choose architectural heritage as your research direction? LV Zhou (hereinafter referred to as “LV”): In fact, this is by chance. When I was in college, I had a very limited knowledge of the history of the building and I was interested in it. I chose architectural history when I graduated. Coincidentally, in 1982, Tsinghua University and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage jointly organized a cadre class of cultural relics architecture, which consisted of our graduating class students in Tsinghua history and the business backbone of the relic system. At that time, the forces that had just passed the Cultural Revolution and the protection of the architectural heritage were very weak. This is the first training course for the protection of architectural heritage jointly organized by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage after the Cultural Revolution. Many well-known scholars and cultural relics protection organizations Experts teach. After graduating from college, I started teaching at Tsinghua University and in 1988 I had the opportunity to study architecture protection at the “International Center for Research and Rehabilitation and Protection of Cultural Properties” (ICCROM) in Italy. Later, he participated in the rescue project of cultural relics in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and basically turned to the field of architectural heritage protection.
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