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近代中国陷入了帝国主义列强争相凌掠,“瓜分豆剖”濒于亡国的境地。救亡图存、振兴中华成为时代的主题。反帝反封、争取民族独立、图致富强成为爱国主义的主要内容。为了民族的振兴,先进的中国人以西方的强大和日本的跃进为榜样,毅然决然地踏上了追求真理的征途。“那时,求进步的中国人,只要是西方的新道理,什么书也看。向日本、英国、美国、法国、德国派遣留学生之多,达到了惊人的程度。”可以说,留学运动自身深蕴着爱国主义的内涵。 近代中国的留学运动,大致可分为洋务运动至甲午战争时期,学生留学去向主要是欧美等国;甲午战后至辛亥革命时期,学生去向主要是日本;五四时期,学生主要是赴法勤工俭学及去各国留学。揭示近代中国青年学生的留学运动所包含的丰富的爱国主义内涵具有深刻的现实意义。 在戊戌维新之前,留学生的爱国思想体现在学习外国、立志改革、除旧布新上。“要救国,只有维新,要维新,只有学外国”这个时期,站在时代最前列,出而领航去国外留学的绝大多数是上层知识分子,他们不仅有反抗外国侵略的要求,而且有学习西方先进科学技术,最终在中国发展资本主义,使中国富强的强烈愿望。中国首次主张派遣青年去国外留学的倡导者叫容闳。而容闳本身就是一个近代最早“以中国人而毕业于美国第? In modern times China plunged into strife over the imperialist powers and “carving up beans and cutting beans” was on the verge of extinction. Save the nation, revitalize China as the theme of the times. Anti-imperialism and anti-closure, strive for national independence, become prosperous and become the main content of patriotism. In order to rejuvenate the nation, the advanced Chinese, following the example of the powerful western powers and Japan’s leap forward, resolutely embarked on the journey of pursuing the truth. “At that time, Chinese people seeking progress, as long as the western new truths, looked at any book, and reached astonishing proportions in sending more students to Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, France and Germany.” It can be said that the study abroad movement itself Deep meaning of patriotism. The study abroad movement in modern China can be roughly divided into the Westernization Movement and the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. The students mainly went to study in Europe and the United States. During the Sino-Japanese War and the Revolution of 1911, most of the students went to Japan. During the May Fourth Movement, And to study abroad. It is of profound practical significance to reveal the abundant patriotism contained in the study abroad movement of modern Chinese youth. Before the Reform Movement of 1898, the students’ patriotic thinking was reflected in learning from foreign countries and determined to reform, except for the old cloth. “To save the country, only to reform, to reform, only to learn foreign countries” this period, standing in the forefront of the times, the vast majority of those who go abroad to study abroad is the upper-class intellectuals, they not only resist the requirements of foreign aggression, but also learning Western advanced science and technology, and ultimately the development of capitalism in China, making China a strong and strong desire. For the first time in China, advocates of sending young people to study abroad are called Rongsong. Rong Rong itself is a modern earliest "graduated from the United States with the Chinese first?
今年是清军入关350周年,350年间我们中国人所处的世界已经大大改观,而中国人对于自己所处的时代和世界的看法也发生了极大变化。 人们的时代观决定人们的爱国观,而时代观又