Application of multi-channel two-dimensional transient Rayleigh wave exploration in goaf detection

来源 :Global Geology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mqz614005
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The transient Rayleigh wave exploration has high detection accuracy in shallow exploration.The effect of detection array is comprehensive reflection of the velocity of rock and soil mass.Therefore,the rolling multi-channel transient acquisition system has been adopted in this study,which turns one dimensional transient Rayleigh wave exploration into two dimensions,consequently,the two-dimensional velocity distribution of rock and soil mass under the survey line has been achieved.Through comparing with the shallow seismic reflected wave exploration,the result indicates that the rolling multi-channel transient acquisition system has accurate resolution.Thus,in the process of the shallow reflected wave exploration,if the surface wave has developed,the coalition between the reflected wave exploration and the two-dimensional transient Rayleigh wave exploration should actualize the accuracy of exploration. The transient Rayleigh wave exploration has high detection accuracy in shallow exploration. The effect of detection array is comprehensive reflection of the velocity of rock and soil mass. Beforefore, the rolling multi-channel transient acquisition system has been adopted in this study, which turns one dimensional transient Rayleigh wave exploration into two dimensions, the two-dimensional velocity distribution of rock and soil mass under the survey line has been achieved.Through comparing with the shallow seismic reflected wave exploration, the result indicates that the rolling multi-channel transient acquisition system has accurate resolution .hus, in the process of the shallow reflected wave exploration, if the surface wave has developed, the coalition between the reflected wave exploration and the two-dimensional transient Rayleigh wave exploration should actualize the accuracy of exploration.
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