
来源 :中华危重病急救医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bolinyuan
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目的:分享《深圳市宝安区中小学生分层应急救护培训工作方案》的执行经验,并观察其培训效果。方法:选择2018年8月至2019年8月在深圳市宝安区应急医疗救援培训中心进行急救培训的中小学生为研究对象,记录学生人数、出勤导师数量、心肺复苏(CPR)培训模型及自动体外除颤仪(AED)培训模型的使用次数。将培训学生按3个学龄层次由浅到深增加授课内容及深度:小学生包括正确拨打120、意外伤害识别小动画、AED和海姆立克手法演示、CPR训练,用时40 min;初中生包括正确拨打120、意外伤害识别及简单处置、CPR及AED的应用、CPR训练、跟学AED及海姆立克手法等,用时90 min;高中生包括正确拨打120、意外伤害识别及正确处置、院外心搏骤停(OHCA)的识别、CPR及AED的要点、CPR及AED操作练习、海姆立克手法及止血包扎等,用时120 min。课程结束后,小学生采用志愿考核;初中生仅小班制需考核,大班没有考核要求,仅进行展示;高中生则须全部强制性考核。收集不同层次学生急救培训基本情况,比较不同层次学生CPR及AED培训模型使用情况、急救相关比例分布情况、急救培训考核通过情况的差异。结果:200期急救培训中共有12 896名学生和2 086人次培训导师参与,共使用8 557次CPR培训模型及8 493次AED培训模型,每场学生平均(65.27±5.61)名,需要(10.52±10.43)名培训导师和(43.09±19.06)个CPR培训模型及(42.77± 18.61)个AED培训模型。学生与培训导师的比例为1∶(6.07±1.47),学生与CPR培训模型的比例为1∶(1.54±1.02),学生与AED培训模型的比例为1∶(1.54±1.03);最终有10 494名学生参加考核,考核参与率为81.37%;10 114名学生通过考核,考核通过率为96.38%。分层分析显示:与小学生比较,初中生平均每场培训人次明显增加(名:69.94±8.77比58.69±6.12,n P<0.05),高中生平均每场培训人次明显减少(名:57.35±5.79比58.69±6.12,n P<0.05),初中生培训导师比例明显降低(5.94±1.39比6.48±2.02,n P<0.05),初中生和高中学生的考核率明显升高〔81.07%(6 667/8 224)、100%(2 313/2 313)比64.18%(1 514/2 359),均n P<0.05〕,通过考核率明显降低〔95.47%(6 365/6 667)、96.88%(2 241/2 313)比99.60%(1 508/1 514),均n P<0.01〕,这可能与小学生考核难度较低和志愿性考核比例低等原因有关。n 结论:分层次进行中小学生急救培训对提高培训效果具有可行性,课程设置内容应由浅至深,同时应配置足够培训导师和培训模型。“,”Objective:To share the implementation experience of n hierarchical first aid training scheme for elementary and middle school students in Baoan District of Shenzhen City and evaluate its effect of training.n Methods:During August 2018 and August 2019, elementary and middle schools students who participated in the first aid training held by emergency rescue training center of Baoan District were enrolled. Baseline information including the number of students, the number of attending tutors, the number of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training models, automated external defibrillator (AED) models were recorded. According to hierarchical levels of three age, students received different courses with content from simple to hard: the course of elementary school students was consisting of dialing 120, smart animation on how to identify accidental damage, demonstration of AED and Hemlick techniques, CPR practise (40 minutes). The course of junior high school students was consisted of how to dial 120, how to identify accidental damage and simple disposal, application of CPR and AED, practice CPR and AED and Hemlick techniques (90 minutes). The course of high school students was consisted of how to dial 120, identify accidental damage and right disposal, identification of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the key-point of CPR and AED, practice CPR and AED, Hemlick techniques and hemostatic bandage (120 minutes). At the end of course, elementary school students were voluntary for skill assessment; junior high school students only were compulsory for skill assessment in small classes but not required in large classes, just for demonstration; additionally, the whole high school students were compulsory for skill assessment. The characteristics of first aid training students at different levels were collected in order to compare the differences on the usage of CPR training model and AED training model, the distribution of emergency resource, the ratio for passing examination.Results:A total of 12 896 students and 2 086 training instructors took parted in 200 lists of first aid training courses, 8 557 CPR models and 8 493 AED models were used. On average, there are 65.27±5.61 students in each session, and 10.52±10.43 training instructors. There are 43.09±19.06 CPR training models and 42.77±18.61 AED training models. The mean ratio of student to tutor was 6.07±1.47, student to CPR model was 1.54±1.02, and student to AED model was 1.54±1.03. In the end of course, 10 494 students participated in the examination with the participation rate of 81.37%; 10 114 students passed the examination with the passing rate of 96.38%. Hierarchical analysis showed: compare to elementary school students, the average number of junior high school students in every training session significantly increased (cases: 69.94±8.77 vs. 58.69±6.12, n P < 0.05), but the average number of high school students in every training session significantly decreased (cases: 57.35±5.79 vs. 58.69±6.12, n P < 0.05). The proportion of instructors in junior high school students\' training significantly reduced (5.94±1.39 vs. 6.48±2.02, n P < 0.05). The examination ratio of junior high school students and high school students was increased significantly [81.07% (6 667/8 224), 100% (2 313/2 313) vs. 64.18% (1 514/2 359), both n P < 0.05], but the ratio of passing the examination was significantly reduced [95.47% (6 365/6 667), 96.88% (2 241/2 313) vs. 99.60%(1 508/1 514), both n P < 0.01]. This might be related to the low difficulty of elementary school students\' assessment and the low proportion of compulsory examination.n Conclusions:Hierarchical scheme is feasible for first aid training in elementary and middle school students, the content of course should be desighed from easy to hard. Synchronously, sufficient training instructors and training models should be equipped to ensure the quality.
EB病毒(EBV)感染与青少年和成人肝损伤密切相关,临床特征多样。常表现为传染性单核细胞增多症时的急性自限性肝炎,特点是以转氨酶轻、中度升高为主,随年龄增加病情相对加重。EBV感染还可致淤胆型肝炎,以碱性磷酸酶和γ-谷氨酰转移酶升高为主要表现,伴不同程度黄疸。少数EBV感染严重者可出现肝衰竭,如果不能及时治疗,病死率较高。此外,EBV感染与慢性肝炎、肝硬化、自身免疫性肝病等有一定关联。“,”Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is closely associated t
妊娠相关肝病是严重危害孕妇和胎儿健康的一组严重疾病,早期诊断和治疗至关重要。现将临床常见的妊娠相关肝病:妊娠剧吐、妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症、溶血肝酶增高血小板减少综合征和妊娠急性脂肪肝等的临床特点、发病机制、早期诊断及治疗要点进行综述,帮助临床医师提高对妊娠相关肝病的认知。“,”Pregnancy-related liver disease is a group of severe diseases that usually resulting in worsening clinical outcome in
目的:分析甲状腺功能亢进症(简称甲亢)合并肝损伤患者的临床特点,评价患者的甲状腺功能异常及肝损伤特点,探讨肝损伤患者后续抗甲亢治疗模式。方法:回顾性分析甲亢合并肝损伤患者的临床资料,根据就诊前是否抗甲亢治疗分为治疗组和未治疗组,分析就诊时患者的甲状腺功能及肝功检测指标,判断发生肝损伤的主要原因;分析治疗组患者肝损伤的特点;给予甲状腺毒性较重的甲亢合并肝损伤患者后续抗甲亢治疗,主要是小剂量甲巯咪唑(MMI)治疗和放射碘治疗,评估其疗效和安全性。数据组间比较采用n t检验、秩和检验以及n
分子靶向药物是肝癌系统治疗的首选方法,在过去的10年里,已有数种抗肝癌靶向药物问世。近年来,免疫治疗成为肝癌全身治疗领域一颗耀眼的新星,先后有纳武单克隆抗体和帕博利珠单克隆抗体获批二线治疗索拉非尼经治的晚期肝细胞癌患者。但是,晚期肝癌单药物治疗效果总是差强人意,越来越多的证据显示肝癌的分子靶向药物具有重要的免疫调节作用,已有数种靶向联合免疫治疗方式显示了不错的临床效果。现将肝癌领域几种分子靶向药物的免疫调节作用进行综述。“,”Molecular targeted drugs are the first c
肝硬化患者由于机体免疫力低下、肠道细菌移位等多种原因,很容易诱发感染。其中,细菌感染最常见,是进展为肝功能衰竭、导致病死率增加的主要原因;而真菌感染,主要由假丝酵母菌(念珠菌)引起,通常与诊断延误有关。高度警惕、及时诊断和治疗感染是提高终末期肝病患者救治率的重要手段。现重点介绍肝硬化患者细菌和真菌感染的主要特点和处理方法。“,”Patients with liver cirrhosis are prone to infection due to various reasons such as weaken
目的:探讨肝静脉广泛闭塞布加综合征(BCS)患者采用Viabahn支架行经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)的疗效。方法:回顾性分析25例采用Viabahn支架行TIPS治疗的肝静脉广泛闭塞BCS患者的手术成功率、门静脉压力梯度(PPG)、并发症以及分流道通畅率。术后行彩色多普勒超声随访。采用Kaplan-Meier曲线评估通畅率。结果:TIPS技术成功率100%。PPG由术前(22.7±6.2)mmHg降至术后(9.7±2.6)mmHg(n t = 9.58,n P < 0.05)。肝
临床上常见的成人慢性肝病主要是慢性乙型和丙型肝炎以及其导致的肝硬化和肝癌,其次是药物性肝损伤、酒精及代谢相关脂肪性肝病、自身免疫性肝病等。除常见的慢性肝病外,一些特殊肝病,包括妊娠相关肝病、肝内分泌功能异常相关肝损伤、成人遗传性肝病和非嗜肝病毒引起的肝炎等也在逐渐增加。只有对这些特殊肝病进行早期识别和诊断,才能给予及时正确的治疗。“,”Clinically, chronic hepatitis B and C are the main common chronic liver diseases that