引子: 李德其人其事 1934年底,中国工农红军和中国革命的命运处于生死攸关的时刻。由于执行了“左倾”机会主义的错误路线,中央红军被迫撤出苏区进行长征,红军在中国南方的各个革命根据地相继丢失,党在白区的地下组织也一一遭到破坏,上百万的革命同志和人民群众受到杀害、迫害和流散;全国红军损失了90%左右;党员同样也损失了近90%。这两个“90%”再加上两个全部:全部南方根据地和全部白区地下党的丧失,深刻地教育了党和红军的广大干部。他们逐渐领悟到,是党的中枢部分出了毛病,因而部队中长期以来的怀疑和不满情绪至此发展到了顶点。他们强烈要求改变党的最高领导,要求此次“左”倾错误路线的始作俑者博古下台,并同时将矛头指向了一个高鼻子蓝眼睛的外国人李德的身上。
Incense: Li De their behavior In late 1934, the fate of the Chinese Red Army and the Chinese revolution at the critical moment. Due to the wrong line of “leftist” opportunism, the Central Red Army was forced to withdraw from the Soviet Union for a long march, the Red Army was successively lost in various revolutionary bases in southern China, and the underground party organizations in the White Zone were also destroyed one after another. Millions Revolutionary comrades and the masses of the people were killed, persecuted and dispersed; the Red Army of the country lost about 90% of the total; party members also lost nearly 90%. The two “90%” plus two of them all: the loss of underground parties in all southern areas and in all the white areas, profoundly educated the cadres of the party and the Red Army. As they gradually realized that there was something wrong with the central part of the party, the mid-long term suspicions and dissatisfaction among the troops so far reached the culmination. They strongly demanded that the supreme leadership of the party should be changed and that the initiator of this “left” wrong course should be brought to an end. And at the same time, it should be directed at Li Teh, a high-nose blue-eyed foreigner.