
来源 :中国宝玉石 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RHLOK007
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1991年9月28-29日,中國寶玉石協會(以下簡稱中寶協)在北京召開了第二次常務理事會議。中寶協名譽会長、原輕工部部長徐運北和中寶協會长、地礦部副部長宋瑞祥等領導出席了会議。中寶協副会長、原地礦部地勘司司长何发荣作了“中国宝玉石协会1990年上半年工作总结及下半年工作安排”的报告。何发荣先生说,中国宝玉石协会成立大会的召开,标志着中国宝玉石业跨上了一个新的台阶,展示着各部门、各单位以及广大宝玉石工作者的大团结。至此,本协会第一届理事成员全部配齐,理顺了有关的组织关系,达到了全国宝玉石界空前的团结合作。谈到下半年工作安排时,何先生说,今年年底前要正式出版发行中宝协会刊,要联络世界各国的宝玉石协会,互换协会简介,要组织一次高档宝玉石原料和饰品 September 28-29, 1991, China Gems Association (hereinafter referred to as the China Bao Association) held its second executive director meeting in Beijing. Honorary President of the Association of Bao Po, former Minister of Light Industry Xu Yun North and president of the Association of precious metals, mining and other Deputy Minister Song Ruixiang attended the meeting. He Baorong, vice president of China Bao Association and director of the Geological Exploration Department of the Inland and Mines Department, made a report titled “Summary of the Work of China Gem and Stone Association in the First Half of 1990 and Work Arrangement for the Second Half of the Year.” He Fasheng said that the convening of the China Gem Stone Association’s establishment conference marks that China’s gem stone industry has stepped onto a new level and demonstrated the great unity of various departments and units as well as the vast number of gem-stone workers. So far, all the members of the first board of directors of the Association have been fully furnished and the related organizational relationships have been streamlined, reaching an unprecedented unity and cooperation among the gems and jades in the whole country. When it comes to working arrangements for the second half of the year, Mr. Ho said that it is necessary to formally publish and publish the magazine of Zhongbao Association by the end of this year. To contact the gemstones associations and swap associations of various countries in the world, it is necessary to organize a high-grade gemstone raw materials and accessories
品种来源:阿兰番瓜系兰州市西固区农技站用阿7936—1—2—3作母本,兰7903—2—2—3作父本配制的杂交种,1989年4月27日~29日审定通过。 Varieties of origin: aranka series
碧春黄瓜是北京市蔬菜研究中心于1986~1988年培育出来的早熟、高产黄瓜一代杂交种。母本为定向选择培育的杂交后代8232,父术为系统选择的自交系8129。 Bichon cucumber is a