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1975—1983和从江苏各市、县采集大麦赤霉病病穗标样126份,单孢子分离获得142个纯菌株,经综合鉴定分别属于镰刀菌的5个种。其中禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium gramine-arum Schw.),占95%;弯角镰刀菌(F.camptoceras wr.and Rg.),占0.7%;串珠镰刀菌(F.moniliforme Sheld.)占1.4%;半裸镰刀菌(F.semifectum Berk.),占2.1%;燕麦镰刀菌[F.avenaceum0(Fr.)Sacc],占0.7%。通过穗期致病力的测定,禾谷镰刀菌、弯角镰刀菌为强致病种;燕麦镰刀菌、串珠镰刀菌为中等致病菌种;半裸镰刀菌为弱致病菌种。麦类赤霉病是长江中、下游地区麦类作物上的重要病害,在流行年份和流行地区除造成产量损失外,病麦粒中由麦类赤霉病菌所产生的毒素常引起人、畜中毒。对于引致麦类赤霉病的镰刀菌的研究,国内外已有许多报导,特别是近几年来国内在镰刀菌种类的研究中报导了许多新的致病菌种,[2、7、9、10、11]另外在国内外的一些研究中报道了有二十余种镰刀菌能够产生毒素[6]、[8]。本研究主要是明确本省大麦赤霉病致病菌种类、优势种、致病力及其分布,为菌系分化、抗赤霉病育种和镰刀菌的毒素研究提供依据。 1975-1983 and collected from 126 cities and counties in Jiangsu Province scabbard disease panicle standard samples, isolated from the single spore 142 pure strains, identified by the comprehensive identification of five species of Fusarium. Among them, Fusarium gramineum arg., Accounting for 95%, F. camptoceras wr.and Rg., Accounting for 0.7%, F.moniliforme Sheld., Accounting for 1.4% ; F.semifectum Berk., Accounting for 2.1%; F. avermitilis [F.avenaceum0 (Fr.) Sacc] accounting for 0.7%. Through the determination of pathogenicity at the heading stage, Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium oxysporum are strongly pathogenic species; Fusarium ovale and Fusarium moniliforme are intermediate pathogenic species; Fusarium solani is a weak pathogenic species. Wheat scab is an important disease on wheat crops in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In addition to yield loss caused by epidemic years and endemic areas, the toxins produced by Fusarium graminearum in sick grains often cause human and livestock Poisoning. There have been many reports at home and abroad about the Fusarium causing scab in wheat. In particular, many new pathogenic species have been reported in the research of Fusarium species in recent years [2, 7, 9, 10,11] In addition, some domestic and foreign studies have reported that more than twenty kinds of Fusarium can produce toxins [6], [8]. The main purpose of this study is to clarify the species, dominant species, pathogenicity and distribution of the pathogen of Fusarium graminearum in our province, and to provide the basis for the study on the differentiation of the Fungus, Fusarium graminearum resistance and Fusarium toxins.
白榆(Ulmus Pumila L.)又称家榆,是我国特别是东北、华北和淮北广大平原区绿化、用材、防护林以及盐碱地造林的主要树种。但由于榆紫叶甲的猖獗危害,迄今吉林省西部榆树人工
异型眼蕈蚊Phyxia scabiei Hopk.布于北美及欧洲,据记载其幼虫为害蘑菇、黄瓜、番茄苗,及马铃薯、芍药等块茎。 1981年自北京白纸坊541厂自蘑菇栽培室废料中采到成虫,经鉴定
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