Application of Green Design in Product Design

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  Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology and the development of society,China's footsteps in the product manufacturing industry are riding a dust. However,while China's economy has achieved considerable development,environmental issues have become increasingly prominent. It is not too late. Product design is closely related to our lives. Therefore,after realizing this problem,we must integrate the concept of green design into product design,promote green design,advocate green design,so as to spur and encourage people to build a resource-saving society and make green Environmental protection goes hand in hand with our lives.
  Key words:green;product design;sustainable development
  1. What is product design
  Product design is a process of transforming a certain purpose or need of human beings into a specific physical form or tool. It is a creative activity process of expressing a kind of plan,planning idea and problem-solving through a specific carrier in a beautiful form. It combines various elements such as lines,symbols,numbers and colors to form the product shape In the form of plane or three-dimensional.
  2.Purpose of applying green design in product design
  Using the concept of green design in product design aims to change the current environmental pollution problem,realize the green environmental protection and sustainable development of the environment,so we should focus on protecting the existing environment and recovering the damaged environment. In line with our actual life,designers should have a deep understanding of the concept of environmental protection and green at the beginning of design,have their own unique views on the concept of green design,and be able to unconsciously integrate the concept of green design into all aspects of design in the process of design.
  3. Application strategy of green design in product design
  3.1 selection of green materials
  The choice of design materials is the top priority of green design,and it is the most fundamental to reflect a green design. Under the premise of ensuring that all functions of the designed product meet the original design intention,the material selection should try to select the green and environmentally friendly materials that are easy to be consumed and non renewable. The materials that will increase the environmental burden in the process of decomposition and destruction must be reduced or not used. The compatibility between materials and the environment should be considered. In the process of decomposition and destruction We must use the least human and material resources.   3.2 modular design and recycling
  Modularity has gradually occupied the mainstream of people's life,from small mobile phones to cars. Of course,we can also apply recycling to product design. In the process of product design,we can consider the recycling of products. Through the recycling and reprocessing of products,we can generate another product,minimize the waste of products,and reflect the concept of green,environmental protection and sustainable development. If modular design and recycling can be combined into the design,it will effectively promote the upgrading of the industry,make environmental protection to a new height,and greatly improve the rational utilization of resources.
  4. Significance of green design to product design
  The immutable design will die out in the long river of history. Only the innovative and advancing design will keep up with the pace of the times and not be eliminated. Nowadays,green,environmental protection and sustainability are the themes of development. Only by following the mainstream and firmly binding ourselves to the "green design",can product design make a real contribution to human beings,make a contribution to environmental protection,make people more deeply understand the connotation of product design,let more people learn and learn the major of product design,and inject into the major of product design More fresh blood,so that the professional will not be dead. Only in this way can product design benefit the public,let more people see the charm of product design,and let product design radiate new vitality in the new era.
  5. summary
  In short,in the application of green design in product design,designers should add their own understanding of "green design",analyze the specific contradictions of "green design" in the process of design,flexibly apply "green design" to each design stage,and use advanced scientific and technological means to organically combine modularity and recycling to make it develop The maximum chemical effect is exerted to achieve the effect that 1 + 1 is greater than 2,so as to reduce the burden of the environment,reduce the pollution of the environment,reasonably use all kinds of green environmental protection and sustainable materials,effectively curb the trend of environmental deterioration,so as to achieve the purpose of "green design" in product design.
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