Port of Sanya

来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingming7978
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The Port of Sanya is situated in the City of Sanya,Hainan Province.It is China’s southernmost sea Port. As of the end of 1995,the Port of Sanya has a water areaof 149km~2 and a land area of 230,000m~2,including 138,000m~2 of port area.It has 7 berths.and the total berthinglength is 714m.The largest ship that can be berthed is 7,000dwt class.The port has a total storage area of 55,000m~2,and has 50 units of handling equipment. In 1995,the Port of Sanya handled a total traffic of 420,000 tons(including 94,000 tons of foreign trade cargo),46.8% lower than the previous year.The major cargo types arecoal,salt,grain,fertilizer and cement, The current General Manager of the Port of Sanya(Group)Co.is Zhai Huaiguo,and Vice General Managers areWu Mingchang,Cai Ruwang and Wang Yunqing,AssistantGeneral Manager Tan Zipei.Party Secretary is Xie Yong-sheng,Vice Party Secretary Huang Shaoying. Address of the Port of Sanya(Group)Co:JianggangRoad,Sanya.Hainan Province572000Tel:(0899)274031~34(Bus line),(0899)272830 The Port of Sanya is situated in the City of Sanya, Hainan Province. It is China’s southernmost sea Port. As of the end of 1995, the Port of Sanya has a water area of ​​149km ~ 2 and a land area of ​​230,000m ~ 2. including 138,000m ~ 2 of port area. It has 7 berths.and the total berthinglength is 714m. The largest ship that can be berthed is 7,000dwt class. The port has a total storage area of ​​55,000m ~ 2, and has 50 units of handling equipment. In 1995, the Port of Sanya handled a total traffic of 420,000 tons (including 94,000 tons of foreign trade cargo), 46.8% lower than the previous year. The major cargo types arecoal, salt, grain, fertilizer and cement, The current General Manager of the Port of Sanya (Group) Co.is Zhai Huaiguo, and Vice General Managers areWu Mingchang, Cai Ruwang and Wang Yunqing, AssistantGeneral Manager Tan Zipei. Party Secretary is Xie Yong-sheng, Vice Party Secretary Huang Shaoying. Address of the Port of Sanya (Group) Co: JianggangRoad, Sanya.Hainan Province572000Tel: (0899) 274031 ~ 34 (B us line), (0899) 272830
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