
来源 :东南司法评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhchbetty
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引言时下,各地法院争创品牌的活动呈如火如荼之势,遍地开花的品牌建设中确有不少可圈可点的精品。但是,创品牌需要耗费大量人力、物力和精力,法院工作的核心是公正司法,并不需要像商界企业一样为竞争、为效益、为知名而创品牌。在司法资源非常紧缺的当下,司法是否有必要创“品牌”?学界和司法实务界的争论一直没有停止。如果确实需要创设司法品牌,那么真正的司法品牌应当怎样树立?究竟是应当让全国的法院共创一个司法品牌,还是让各地法院各自创立一个品牌,抑或在同一家法院里让每个业务庭室都创立一个有别于他人的司法品牌?如此创立司法品牌,真的就能让司法走出困境?带着一连串的疑问,厦门市中级人民法院(以下简称厦门中院)课题调研组重新审视了近年来厦门法院争创司法品牌的历程,召开了3场座谈会,走访了2个基层法院、2个人民法庭、中院3个审判庭,向一线的法官、社区工作人员垂询问计,得到的答案是肯定的。厦门法院紧紧围绕服务科学发展,服务人民群众,结合区域优势、地理特点和民情民俗,大力推进司法品牌建设,逐步形成涉军、涉 Introduction Nowadays, the activities of the courts around the world to create a brand in full swing trend, everywhere in the building of the brand there are indeed many remarkable quality. However, creating a brand takes a lot of manpower, material and energy. The core of the court work is impartial justice. It does not need to compete for the benefit of a business enterprise and build a brand for its reputation. At the moment of the scarcity of judicial resources, is it necessary for the judiciary to establish a “brand”? The debate between the academic and judicial circles has not stopped. If a judicial brand does need to be created, what should a true judicial brand be? Whether it should be for national courts to create a judicial brand or let courts around the world create a brand of each, or to have each business court in the same court Have created a judicial brand different from others? So the creation of a judicial brand, really can make justice out of the woods? With a series of questions, Xiamen City Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter referred to as Xiamen Intermediate People’s Hospital) research group re-examined in recent years In the course of coming to Xiamen for a judicial brand, three forums were held and visited two grassroots courts, two court tribunals, three courtrooms in the middle court, and inquired and asked first-line judges and community workers The answer is yes. Xiamen court closely around the service science development, serve the people, combined with regional advantages, geographical features and customs, vigorously promote the construction of judicial brand, and gradually formed a military-related, involving
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第一章 总 则 第一条 为了促进民办学校的健康发展,维护民办学校合法权益,根据国家有关规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。 第二条 本办法所称的民办学校,是指企事业单位、
总结了电解加工技术在航空制造领域的研究与应用 ,论述了其在 2 1世纪初叶的发展方向 ,指出该技术在微精加工、复杂型面、复杂整体结构等加工方面具有很好的应用前景。 Summ
第一条(目的) 为了加强对本市公共文化馆的管理,充分发挥公共文化馆在提高市民文化素质和提高城市文明程度中的作用,促进文化事业的发展,制定本办法。 Article 1 (Purpose)