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1那天,班主任秦老师让一位同学来叫我,要我去他办公室。同学是在二楼水房里找到我的,我正在那洗衣服,时间是晚上10点来钟。毕业班同学通通住在三楼,今天三楼无比喧闹,同学们哭哭笑笑的都有。我不想见任何同学,待在宿舍里我不知道能干什么。晚上七点正,高考分数网上开查。我一直在二楼水房的平台那手洗一条牛仔裤,才穿了两三天便换下来的,它其实还算干净。牛仔裤揉搓好了,在漂水,掉色严重,水一直蓝,漂也漂不清。 1 that day, teacher in charge of class Qin let a classmate called me and asked me to go to his office. My classmates found me in the water room on the second floor. I was doing my laundry and my time was 10 o’clock at night. Students live in the graduation class all-third floor, very uncomfortable on the third floor today, students have both laugh and cry. I do not want to see any classmates, stay in dormitory I do not know what can be done. At seven o’clock in the evening, college entrance examination scores online check. I have been washing a pair of jeans on the platform of the water room on the second floor for a couple of days before I changed it. In fact, it is fairly clean. Jeans rubbed well, drifting, fading, water has been blue, bleach also bleak.
古老的东北是一本尘封的书,没有多少人乐意去翻开它;是一眼深井,没有多少人愿意去打捞它的底细。那里的山是白的,那里的水是黑的,那里的风是黄的,雪像种子 The ancient nort
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The topic of offshore wind energy is attracting more and more attention as the energy crisis heightens.The blades are the key components of offshore wind turbin
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《在路上》这本独立杂志的范儿,特别不羁特别飞。我很少碰到本人外表和写的东西看起来很契合的,看康阳办的杂志,总觉得他本人的气质不能这样,因为真的这么摇滚这么飞的人是不会去创业办杂志的。我想像过他的模样,可能外表一点不摇滚,甚至是挺斯文睿智戴着眼镜,也许还是个胖子,看过不少书,接受采访时说出来的东西还挺人五人六的。  结果我想错了,康阳和他的杂志几乎是一个气质。约采访那天,他迟到了,然后嘿嘿一乐“我老