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我县凤仪供销分社营业员江××在1983年7月至1985年4月的22个月里采取少缴或不缴销货款、拖延盘点和蒙骗盘点人员等手法,贪污销货款3.2万元,直到工作变动,办理移交时才被暴露。为什么在一个小小的门市部他能偷拿如此巨额的销货款呢?主要是由于该社在经营管理上存在以下几方面的问题: 1、企业推行经费承包责任制后,企业领导人,要抓规章制度的完善,抓营业员购销活动的管理、控制。而该社却相反,认为经营承包了,损失损耗、差货短款有人负责了,在管理上可以高枕无忧了。因而,销售管理中出现的一些新情况,新动向不能及时发现和及时解决。 2、该社设有一名专职出纳,但从未明确出纳人员对销售款的解缴要进行监督。江××经常少缴或不缴销货款,有时连续一个多星期不缴也无人过 In the 22 months from July 1983 to April 1985, Jiang Xx, a salesperson of the supply and marketing branch of the county’s Fengyi County, took less or no payment of payment, delayed the inventory, and cheated the personnel of the fraudulent inventory. The corrupt sales amount was 32,000 yuan, until Changes in work are only exposed when the transfer is processed. Why is he able to steal such a huge sales amount in a small salesroom? The main reason is that the company has the following problems in its operation and management: 1. After the company implements the financial responsibility system, the company’s leaders must We will improve the management of and control over salesperson sales activities by improving the rules and regulations. However, in contrast, the agency believes that it is responsible for the contracting of the business, and that the person who is responsible for the loss or loss of the short goods will be able to sit back and relax in management. As a result, new trends in sales management can not be discovered and resolved in a timely manner. 2. The company has a full-time cashier, but it has never been clear that cashiers will supervise the disbursement of sales money. Jiang × often pay less or not to pay back the goods, sometimes for more than a week without pay and no one
“我有兴趣,我想表达,可写作时往往不尽人意……”这是我们班一名同学与我聊天时吐露出的心声。我不禁发问:小学生作文为什么写不好?是提笔忘字还是无“米”难“炊”?准确地说,这都不是主要原因,而是因为缺乏写作激情,缺乏强烈的表达欲望,“情”未动,“辞”不发,那么,如何激发学生的写作兴趣,使之乐于表达呢?     一.贴近日常生活,增强表达欲望    作文是学生生活的一部分,因此,对于教师来说需注意两个方
“宁静之家”位于可尼西明思特本笃会修道院(Benediktiner Abtei Kniqsmünster)山坡上的一片苹果林中,建筑仿佛沉浸在自己的世界当中。作为修道院的客宿地,它不仅接待天主
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