Pancreatic cancer–Palliative therapy: stenting

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltavip
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Pancreatic cancer remains a common and very lethal malignancy with a median survival of approximately 6 months. Surgical resection offers the only potentially curative approach but many patients (80% or more) are ineligible for this kind of therapy, because of age, comorbidities, or locally advanced or metastatic disease that does not benefit from resection. Thus, for many patients with pancreatic cancer treatment remains palliative and endoscopic therapy to relieve bile duct or gastric outlet obstruction becomes of special importance. Although both surgical and non surgical palliative procedures can relieve biliary and duodenal obstruction particularly endoscopic treatment with plastic prostheses or self expanding metal stents was shown to be not only highly effective but also to be burdened with only few complications. The present article summarizes the palliative endoscopic treatment in patients with non resectable pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer remains a common and very lethal malignancy with a median survival of approximately 6 months. Surgical resection offers the only potentially curative approach but many patients (80% or more) are ineligible for this kind of therapy, because of age, comorbidities, or locally advanced or metastatic disease that does not benefit from resection. Thus, for many patients with pancreatic cancer treatment remains palliative and endoscopic therapy to relieve bile duct or gastric outlet obstruction becomes of special importance. Although both surgical and non surgical palliative procedures can relieve biliary and duodenal obstruction particularly endoscopic treatment with plastic prostheses or self expanding metal stents was shown to be not only highly effective but also to be burdened with only few complications. The present article summarizes the palliative endoscopic treatment in patients with non resectable pancreatic cancer.
近日 ,由胜利油田临盘采油厂研制的输油管道泄漏实时监测报警系统通过山东省科技厅组织的技术鉴定。输油管道被打卡和管理泄漏一直是困扰原油集输外销的一个重大难题 ,仅胜利
经过沧炼硫磺车间职工多日来的艰苦努力 ,2 0 0 2年 1月 1 6日 ,污水汽提氢回收装置部分成功 ,并且于 2月 5日已生产出批量合格的工业用氨水进行外销。这不仅消灭了长期以来
先天性成骨不全症(OI)是一种全身性骨及结缔组织病,可能由于Ⅰ型胶元的异常合成所引起。一般本病又分为:(1)迟发型 OI:属常染色体显性遗传;(2)先天型 OI:属自发性突变或少数