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王启龙、李君敏在《全球教育展望》2014年第11期中撰文,介绍了欧盟职业教育中使用的同行评议的特点和优势,指出了我国职业院校开展同行评议缺少的条件,并提出了相应建议。同行评议是一种以促进职业教育质量的持续改进为目的的职业教育和培训外部评价方式。同行评议模式主要包括教学项目、评议专家组、评议结果等主要内容。操作流程主要有准备,评议和反馈三个阶段。在准备阶段中,待评议的职业学校首先 Wang Qilong and Li Junmin wrote in the Global Education Outlook, Issue 11, 2014, introducing the characteristics and advantages of peer review used in the EU’s vocational education, pointing out the conditions for the lack of peer review in vocational schools in our country, and put forward corresponding suggestions. Peer review is a kind of external evaluation of vocational education and training aimed at the continuous improvement of the quality of vocational education. Peer review mode mainly includes teaching items, evaluation expert group, evaluation results and other major content. The operational process is mainly prepared, comments and feedback in three stages. At the preparatory stage, vocational schools to be reviewed first
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目的 :测定甘肃产五加中剌五加苷B、苷E的含量。方法 :高效液相色谱法 ,ODSKromasal柱。水 :乙晴 (95 :5 )为流动相 ,检测波长 2 2 2nm ,柱温度 2 5℃。结果 :本文可同时测定