
来源 :中国机关后勤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w3cnet
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江泽民同志的“七一”重要讲话发表后 ,国管局党组理论学习中心组多次组织学习 ,力求全面准确地把握精神实质。 7月中旬国管局召开了由全体党员和干部参加的学习《讲话》动员大会 ,局党组书记、局长焦焕成作了动员讲话 ,他对充分认识和领会讲话的重大意义 ,全面准确地把握讲话的精神实质 ,抓紧抓好讲话精神的学习贯彻进行了阐述和总结。他要求必须以江泽民同志重要讲话精神为指导 ,自觉地按照“三个代表”要求 ,来审视国管局的各项工作 ,切实把“三个代表”的重要思想贯彻落实到各项机关事务工作中去。为了进一步推动学习《讲话》活动的深入开展 ,国管局机关党委请部分局党组成员和司室领导撰写了学习体会文章。《中国机关后勤》杂志将分两期刊登 After Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important “1 July” speech was published, the Theoretical Study Group of the Party Leadership Group of the State Administration of Taxation organized and studied many times to strive for a comprehensive and accurate grasp of the essence of the spirit. In mid-July, the State Council held a mobilization meeting for learning “speech” attended by all party members and cadres. Secretary of Party Committee and Director of the Bureau, Jiao Huancheng, made a mobilization speech. He fully understood and understood the great significance of speech and fully and accurately grasped the speech Spiritual essence, pay close attention to the spirit of the speech to carry out the study described and summarized. He demanded that we must conscientiously follow the important speeches of Comrade Jiang Zemin and follow the requirements of the “three represents” to examine the work of the State Property Management Bureau and earnestly implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ in various organ affairs Go in. In order to further promote the study of “speech” activities in-depth development, the authority of the party committee of the State Council invited part of the Bureau members and department chiefs to write articles to learn to understand. The magazine China Logistics will be published in two phases
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一、深施覆土。“碳铵深入土,一亩抵二亩。”深施覆土,以土掩肥,可减少挥发,提高肥效。据测定,将碳铵深施在10厘米土中,可提高利用率10 20%。 二、湿土施用。“地干施碳铵,臭