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建立国家公务员回避制度的必要性。建立国家公务员回避制度是行政管理客观公正的要求。国家公务员处理行政事务、裁决行政纠纷和民事纠纷,好比是一架天平,随时有可能向某一边倾斜。造成可能倾斜的因素就是与国家公务员有利害关系。是否能够做到“客观公正、不偏不倚”.取决于公务员的个人素质。诚然,实践中不乏廉洁奉公、客观公正的公务员。但大多数公务员的感情倾向要对案件的处理结果产生影响。为了确保客观、公正,有必要建立国家公务员的回避制度。不少国家对此都有相应的法律规定。苏联的法律规定:“如果血亲和姻亲的近亲属(父母、夫妻、兄弟姐妹、子女以及配偶的兄弟姐妹、父母和子女)同时担任的职务有直接的上下级关系或监督关系,则他们不得在同一机关或企业中任职。”英国法律规定,当一个议员对提交议会(注:在英国,地方议会就是地方政府,议员即是政府官员或文官) The necessity of establishing the evasion system of state civil servants. The establishment of a civil servant avoidance system is an objective and fair requirement of administrative management. State civil servants handling administrative matters, adjudicating administrative disputes and civil disputes are like a balance, and may at any time tilt to one side. The factors that may be tilted are the interests of civil servants in the country. Whether it can be “objective, fair and impartial” depends on the personal qualities of civil servants. It is true that in practice there is no shortage of honest and impartial public officials who are objective and impartial. However, most civil servants have a tendency to affect the outcome of the case. In order to ensure objectivity and fairness, it is necessary to establish a system of avoidance of state civil servants. Many countries have corresponding legal provisions on this. The law of the Soviet Union states: “If there is a direct superior or subordinate or supervisory relationship between the close relatives of kinship and in-laws (parents, husband and wife, siblings, siblings, siblings, parents and children) The same institution or enterprise. ”According to British law, when a member of Parliament submits to Parliament (note: in the United Kingdom, a local council is a local government, a member of the legislature is a government official or a civil servant)
低应力磨削表面对于保证飞机关键零件的使用性能有重要意义。本文系统地研究了300M超高强度钢的磨削残余应力的特征及其主要影响因素,提出了低应力磨削300M钢的工艺途径。 Low-stress
简要介绍了空间对接机构在研制过程中所必须的一些基本试验类型和内容,并对所需专用试验设备做了一定的分析。 This paper briefly introduces some basic test types and c
<正> 1989年4月4日第七届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过了《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》,这是进行法制建设的一个重要步骤,也是政治体制改革的一项主要内容。所谓行政诉讼主要是指由于国家行政机关及其工作人员行使行政权力的具体行为被认为是侵犯了公民或其他组织的合法权益所引起的诉讼,也是政府和人民的关系的不正
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提出一种四环二轴光电稳定方案。与常规的二环二轴系统相比,它具有精度高,仰角大等优点。文章从运动学及控制原理着手,对二种方案进行分析和对比。 A four-ring biaxial photoe