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在过去的十年,国家司法鉴定研究所(NIFS)一直参与并致力于提升全澳大利亚对法证情报的认识。以此为背景,通过撰写论文并在澳大利亚和新西兰内发表,涵盖了法证情报的基本原理并提供了一个“快速参考”的指南。另外,NIFS还联合推动了《澳大利亚法庭科学》杂志上一系列关于法证情报主题论文的发表。法证情报模式的实施需要进行大量筹划工作并在组织、机构中作出相应调整。各组织、机构也必须致力于重新关注工作结果,让预防、制止犯罪活动与传统的聚焦于司法审判一起,成为工作中优先考虑的地方。这就意味着将带来许多变革,从关注单一案件转变为关注多个案件并且打破现存学科之间的“谷仓”界限。目前,在各单位、部门经费预算普遍受限的情况下,要准确识别实施这些转变所需要的资源,往往是较为困难的。然而,在法庭科学机构内设立情报单元的做法将被认为是从改革中获得的红利。本文主要目的,是通过梳理和整合目前已公开发表的调查结果和观察,提升人们对于法证情报原理和实践方面的认识。它旨在为涉及执法领域的不同层次和学科的有关人员,包括法庭科学工作者、警察官员以及刑事司法系统管理人员等,提供关于法证情报的介绍性的基本原理。 For the past ten years, the National Institute of Forensic Science (NIFS) has been involved and committed to raising the awareness of forensic intelligence throughout Australia. Against this background, writing essays and publishing in Australia and New Zealand covers the rationale for forensic intelligence and provides a “quick reference” guide. In addition, NIFS also jointly promoted the publication of a series of theses on Forensic Intelligence in Forensic Science Australia. The implementation of the forensic intelligence model needs a lot of planning work and corresponding adjustments in the organizations and institutions. Organizations and agencies must also commit themselves to refocusing on the results of their work so that prevention and suppression of criminal activities, together with the traditional focus on judicial adjudication, have become priorities in their work. This means bringing about many changes, from focusing on a single case to focusing on multiple cases and breaking the “barn” line between existing disciplines. At present, under the circumstances in which the budget of various departments and departments is generally limited, it is often more difficult to accurately identify the resources needed to implement these changes. However, the establishment of intelligence units in forensic science bodies would be considered a dividend derived from the reform. The main purpose of this paper is to improve people’s understanding of the principles and practice of forensic intelligence information by combing and integrating the findings and observations that have been published publicly. It aims to provide an introductory rationale for forensic information to those involved at different levels and disciplines in the area of ​​law enforcement, including forensic scientists, police officers and administrators of criminal justice systems.
朱德是1927年南昌起义的主要领导人之一。三河坎失利后,朱德随即与陈毅一起率领余部转战湘南在耒阳发动了年关暴动,于1928年3月上井冈山与毛泽东率领的秋收起义部队会合,这就是著名的井冈山会师。朱德因此在历史上被称为“朱毛红军”的创始人之一,历任中国工农红军总司令、中国国民革命军第十八集团军总司令、中国人民解放军总司令。史沫特莱称朱德为“红军之父”。  1949年新中国建立以后,中共党内先后发生19
1  2009年,杨澜在美国采访了1998年诺贝尔物理奖获得者、美籍华人崔琦先生。杨澜问他,如果当年你没有离开河南,你今天会是什么样?  杨澜心想,他一定会说,如果没有离开家乡,我永远成不了名,也不会获得诺贝尔奖;也许现在还在农村种地,是一个满脸沧桑的乡下老农。  可是崔琦的回答,却让杨澜大吃一惊。他说,如果我不出去,我的父母就不会在三年困难时期被饿死。如果时间能倒流,我宁肯陪在父母身边,也不去香
一、优化教学过程,培养学习兴趣  当前,在数学学科的教学中,“离教现象”较为严重。所谓“离教现象”,是指学生在教学过程中,偏离和违背教师正确的教学活动和要求,形成教与学两方面的不协调,这种现象直接影响着大面积提高教学质量。“离教现象”主要表现在课内不专心听讲,课外不做作业,不复习巩固。这种现象的直接后果是不少学生因为“不听、不做”到“听不懂,不会做”从而形成积重难返的局面。  在整个教学过程中,怎
【摘 要】语文阅读教学通过审美感受、审美鉴赏、审美情操,提高审美能力,通过审美评价培养、激发兴趣,增强语文学习的自觉性。  【关键词】阅读;美感;语感  在语文教学各个环节中,当我们把重视传授知识和能力训练放在重要位置的时候,不能忘记在语文这门基础学科中还承担着美育任务。下面就语文阅读教学中的美育谈点感想。  一、阅读的心理过程  阅读首先凭借视觉接触文字符号,经过信息转换,变为具有直感特征的“
The development and application of new reliability models and methods are presented to analyze the system reliability of complex condition monitoring systems. T