一九八六年五月,甘肃电视台播放了介绍中年画家杜海涛和他的舞蹈人物画的专题节目。雄浑粗犷的原始舞蹈、刚劲有力的西班牙舞、婀娜多姿的胡旋舞、轻盈曼妙的长袖舞等各种舞蹈人物出神入化的动作,变幻莫测的眼神,无不在他的笔下再现出来。 有的观众给杜海涛写信表示祝贺;有的干脆登门拜访,询问他是怎样把舞蹈、绘画结合到一起,创造出如此瑰丽的形象?一时间,这位四十一岁的中年画家成了新闻人物。 常言道:“听君一席话,胜读十年书。”有时候,几句富有哲理的言谈,就能在人的思想深处撞击
In May 1986, Gansu Television broadcast a special program introducing middle-aged painter Du Haitao and his dance figures. The vigorous rough primitive dance, vigorous and spirited Spanish dance, curvaceous graceful dance, graceful long sleeve dance and other dance figures superb action, unpredictable eyes, all in his pen to reproduce it. Some of the audience congratulated Du Haitao on their letters; some simply asked them to ask how he was going to combine dance and painting together to create such a magnificent image. For a time, the 41-year-old middle-aged painter became News personage As the saying goes: “Listen to Jun’s word, win the ten-year book.” Sometimes, a few philosophical conversations, you can impact the depths of human thought