先“质”后“量” 宁缺勿滥——小议国产片如何“上楼”

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现在全国每年制作一百多部故事片,数量颇为可观,但质量呢?实在不敢恭维。当然,特别差劲的粗制滥造的不很多,可上好的、思想性、艺术性强的影片也屈指可数。正如张骏祥同志所说,电影生产是创造精神财富的,它更应该讲究质量。而现在的做法仿佛是,在完成一定数量的前提下再考虑质量。有些电影厂还改不了前松后紧的毛病,到年底忙于交卷,质量上难免有所迁就。电影部门制定了各厂拍摄影片的数量指标,是否设想搞些质量考核条文,经济考核指标,拍了优秀影片,上座高,盈利大,社会效果好,自然应该嘉奖;拍了低劣平庸之作,没人看,赔了本,社会效果又不好,是否也应该打打屁股?曾经有人提出,设“最差影片奖”。此说有欠稳妥,但目的是无可厚非的:有动力,也要有压力!在印度,倘若拍成的影片收不回成本,那它就地你最后一部影片。当然我们的电影厂不会如此,但我们不能因此躺在这“优越性”上,拍好拍坏一个样, Now that there are over 100 feature films produced in the whole country each year, the quantity is quite impressive. However, the quality is really flattering. Of course, there are very few abusive, abusive, ideological and artistic films that are particularly poor. As Comrade Zhang Junxiang said, film production is to create spiritual wealth, and it should pay more attention to quality. The current practice seems to be, in the completion of a certain number of premise and then consider the quality. Some movie studios also can not change the tight loose before the end of the year, busy with the handing over, the quality will inevitably be accommodated. The film department has set the number of films the factory shooting index, whether to envisage engage in some quality assessment provisions, economic assessment indicators, took excellent films, high seat, large profits, good social effects, of course, should be commended; made a mediocre, Nobody see, lose this, the social effect is not good, whether it should be playing ass? Someone once proposed, set the “worst film award.” This is not safe to say, but the purpose is understandable: there is momentum, but also pressure! In India, if the movie is not paid back, it is your final movie. Of course, our movie factory will not be like this, but we can not lie on this “superiority”
一部老片子出现的错别字! 最近中央电视台重播了老片子《野火春风斗古城》,好久没看它了,就象见到分别多年的老朋友那样亲切,可当听到杨晓冬被捕后在敌人面前对他母亲说:“
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