
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zongbangsheng
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目的探讨胰腺炎患者接受连续性肾脏替代法(CRRT)治疗的临床疗效和护理方法。方法 48例胰腺炎患者,均进行CRRT治疗,实施综合护理,观察患者的临床疗效。结果 48例重症胰腺炎患者应用CRRT治疗后,40例患者病情好转;5例患者因家庭困难,自动放弃治疗出院;3例患者死亡,其中2例患者死于多功能脏器衰竭,1例患者感染性休克。临床存活率为93.75%(45/48)。3例患者在临床治疗中出现寒战,经5 mg地塞米松静脉滴注后症状缓解消失;4例患者CRRT治疗后体温显著升高,拔出导管后体温降至正常范围,穿刺部位更换后,体温不再升高。其余患者均未发现明显不良反应。结论连续性肾脏替代治疗应用于胰腺炎的治疗取得了良好的临床疗效,综合护理能够显著改善患者的临床症状和体征,具有重要的临床价值,值得大力推广。 Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and nursing of patients with pancreatitis treated with continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Methods Forty-eight patients with pancreatitis were treated with CRRT and comprehensive nursing was performed to observe the clinical effect of the patients. Results Forty-eight patients with severe acute pancreatitis were treated with CRRT. The symptoms of 40 patients improved. Five patients were given up for discharge due to family difficulties. Three patients died, two of them died of multiple organ failure, and one patient Septic shock. The clinical survival rate was 93.75% (45/48). Three patients experienced chills during clinical treatment. After 5 mg dexamethasone intravenous drip, the symptom relief disappeared. After 4 days of CRRT treatment, the temperature was significantly elevated. After the catheter was withdrawn, the temperature dropped to the normal range. After the puncture site was replaced, Body temperature no longer increased. The remaining patients did not find any significant adverse reactions. Conclusion Continuous renal replacement therapy has a good clinical effect in the treatment of pancreatitis. Comprehensive nursing can significantly improve the clinical symptoms and signs of patients, which has important clinical value and is worth promoting.
2016年1月17日 晴  我的腿上有一处伤疤,每次摸到它,都会想起妈妈浓浓的爱。  去年夏天的一天,天气闷热得让我有些烦燥,我把冰箱翻了个遍,没找到什么可吃的。在我的央求下,妈妈答应带我去超市买吃的。  我高高兴兴地来到楼下,坐上妈妈的电动车,和妈妈向离家不远的一家大型超市走去。来到超市,妈妈给我选了很多我爱吃的零食。我抱着一口袋的零食,美滋滋地坐上电动车,准备回家好好享受美食。  走到半路,妈
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美国国家图书奖金奖美国银行街教育学院年度最佳童书美国号角图书杂志2013推荐书单 APALA美籍亚太文学奖内容简介:生活在美国的萨默一家接连遭遇不幸。先是父母要回日本照顾
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