
来源 :中国海关 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:red0035
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1994年是我国汽车进口政策变动较大的一年,各类车辆的进口量在年内出现了较大波动。但从全年看,我国汽车特别是小汽车进口已得到有效控制。据海关统计,1994年我国进口小汽车20.5万辆(包括个人自用进口和小汽车整套散件),比上年(下同)减少19%。大、中型客车2万辆,增长2.2倍;货车6.9万辆,减少12%。 一、小汽车整车进口明显下降 1、各类小汽车整车进口均明显下降。小汽车整车进口6.3万辆,下降49%。其中,小轿车4.8万辆,减少51%;四轮驱动轻型越野车0.4万辆,减少26%;旅行车(九座以下)0.8万辆,减少55%。 2、一般贸易、易货贸易进口明显下降。一般贸易进口0.8万辆,减少42%。易货贸易进口1.5万辆,减少65%,所占比重由去年同期的33%下降到24%。 3、三资企业进口明显下降。小汽车进口中50%为三资企业进口,进口量为3.1万辆,减少42%。其中,三资企业进口办公、生产用车2万辆,下降28%;三资企业个人自用车1.1万辆,下降56%。1994年初三资企业进车出现高峰,1—4月三资企业进口2.4万辆,占全年进口总量的77%。由于国家对小汽车进口政策进行了较大的调整,之后各月进口量明显减少。 In 1994, China’s automobile import policy changed a lot. The import volume of various types of vehicles has fluctuate greatly during the year. However, from the whole year, the import of Chinese automobiles, especially cars, has been effectively controlled. According to customs statistics, in 1994, China imported 205,000 cars (including personal self-used imports and small-car spare parts), which was 19% lower than the previous year (the same below). The number of large and medium-sized passenger vehicles was 20,000, an increase of 2.2 times, and that of freight cars was 69,000, a decrease of 12%. 1. Imports of complete cars of cars have dropped significantly 1. Imports of all types of small cars have dropped significantly. The vehicle’s entire vehicle imports 63,000 vehicles, a decrease of 49%. Among them, 48,000 sedan cars, a decrease of 51%; 44,000 light-duty SUVs, a decrease of 26%; and 8,000 sedan wagons (below 9), a decrease of 55%. 2. Imports of general trade and barter trade have dropped significantly. General trade imports 8,000 vehicles, a decrease of 42%. Barter trade imported 15,000 vehicles, a decrease of 65%, and its share decreased from 33% in the same period of last year to 24%. 3, imports of foreign-funded enterprises decreased significantly. 50% of imported cars are imported by foreign-funded enterprises, and the import volume is 31,000, a decrease of 42%. Among them, foreign-funded enterprises imported 20,000 vehicles for office use and production, which fell by 28%; and the number of privately-owned vehicles of foreign-funded enterprises was 11,000, a decrease of 56%. At the beginning of 1994, foreign-funded enterprises saw a peak in their cars. From January to April, foreign-funded enterprises imported 24,000 vehicles, accounting for 77% of the total annual imports. As the country has made major adjustments to the car import policy, imports have decreased significantly in each month.
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许多经典电影往往会出现令人回味无穷的精彩对白。前段时间约有两千名英国人参加了“最喜爱电影对白”的投票活动,结果“007”系列电影中“The name’s Bond, James Bond!”是他们心中最酷的台词。下面请按顺序欣赏:  [1]原文:“The name’s Bond, James Bond!”  出处:肖恩康纳利(Sean Connery)  《诺博士》(Dr. No)(又译名:第七号