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“洛桑”是“善慧、智者”的意思,藏人中这是个十分常见的名字,普普通通,重复的也多。我说的洛桑,不是别个,是全总文工团的舞蹈演员、笑星洛桑。虽然在一个学校,我们并不熟识,只是见面打打招呼面已。但一些朋友讲,洛桑说他很熟悉我,或许那是由于年龄、专业的差异;或许在过去相当长的一段时间内,我一直埋头写作和学术研究,很少参加交际活动,即便参加了,也是坐坐而已;或许由于他比我小十多岁,见面了,当做学生没有充分注意。不熟悉洛桑,便是难讲洛桑的故事。因而一拟这篇小文的题目便感到生涩。说什么?怎么说?眼里空空,心里空空,没有生动的回忆,也没有清晰的形象和完整 “Lausanne ” is “good, wise ” means, this is a very common name among Tibetans, ordinary, repeated more. I said Lausanne, no other, is the total ensemble of dancers, comedian Lausanne. Although in a school, we are not familiar with, just meet to say hello. But some friends say that Lausanne said he is familiar with me, perhaps because of differences in age and profession. Perhaps for quite a long time, I have been writing and academic research, seldom participated in social activities. Even if I participated, It’s also a sit-in; maybe because he’s 10 years younger than me and meets, as a student does not pay enough attention. Not familiar with Lausanne, it is difficult to tell the story of Lausanne. Therefore, the subject of a small article will feel jerky. What to say? How to say? Empty eyes, empty heart, no vivid memories, there is no clear image and integrity
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