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发展主线是特定阶段发展的主脉络。“十二五”时期宁波发展环境的复杂性和发展任务的艰巨性要求我们必须把握好“创新转型发展”这条发展主线的内涵要求,在宏观上明确宁波“十二五”发展的总特征、总目标和总动力这三个重点问题。宁波“十二五”发展的总特征是创新转型,它将深刻渗透到“十二五”宁波经济社会发展的各个领域;总目标是基本建成现代化国际港口城市,为构建现代化大都市、长三角亚太国际门户主要城市打下基础;以创新为总动力,强化以科技创新为核心,开放创新为特色,制度创新和管理、文化创新为保障的系统创新,大力提升宁波经济社会发展的内生动力。 The development of the main line is the main context of the development of a particular phase. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the complexity of Ningbo’s development environment and the arduous task of its development require that we must grasp the connotative requirements of the main line of development of “innovation and transformation and development”, clearly define Ningbo in the 12th Five-Year Plan “The general characteristics of development, the overall goal and the total power of these three key issues. The general feature of Ningbo’s ”Twelfth Five-Year“ development is innovation and transformation. It will deeply penetrate into various fields of Ningbo’s economic and social development during the ”12th Five-Year Plan" period. The overall goal is to basically build a modern international port city, Cities and the Yangtze River Delta Asia-Pacific International Gateway major cities lay the foundation for innovation as the driving force to strengthen science and technology innovation as the core, open innovation, institutional innovation and management, cultural innovation as a guarantee system innovation, and vigorously enhance the economic and social development in Ningbo Endogenous motivation.
The stability constants of the binary complexes of Mn2+ with nicotinamide (NA) were determined from potentiometric pH titrations data at 15.0 , 25.0 and 35.0oC
(2015年2月)1农业科技网络书屋建设排行截至2015年2月底,全国共建设网络书屋302 528个(详见表1),其中种植版书屋285 829个,其他类书屋16 699个。网络书屋建设数量前10名的省
The experimental and numerical investigations of the flow with reaction of two gases: hydrogen chloride HC1 and ammonia NH3 were performed. The article contain
2001年1月28日,也就是农历正月初五,21世纪首届全国男排联赛 开幕式在北方军事重镇大石桥市隆重召开。为了这一刻,大石桥市的人民 作了充分的准备。尽管这时的大石桥市仍是冰天雪地,但人们
摘要:本文通过言说我国对效率与公平关系认识的具体演进历程,纵览效率与公平两者间关系和地位变化在不同历史阶段产生的背景和作用,说明了两者关系的变化都是一定的历史选择,我国对效率与公平关系问题的认识也在不断的深化。  关键词:效率;公平;党中央    一、我国效率与公平问题的提出  改革开放之前,我党的工作重心始终围绕着阶级斗争进行;在理论方面,"左"的理论占了上风,同时没有民主、开放的学术研究环境,
来自北冰洋小城希尔克内斯的帝王蟹、北极虾;深藏在寒冷王国格陵兰岛海域的鳕鱼、海藻……在挪威,所有食材几乎都从山野海滨直接延至餐桌,每道菜都有当下唯此独有的体验。挪威不仅是维京故事的王国,也是美食的王国,除去无可挑剔的菜品外,这里的餐厅都非常注重设计。北欧设计向来以简洁、干净、线条清晰、传统与现代并容的独特北欧气质而出众,这些设计用在餐厅里更是无与伦比的精彩。  希尔克内斯约会帝王蟹  摇晃的小邮轮